
gēng zhèng
  • make corrections;amend;corrigendum;correction of errors
更正 [gēng zhèng]
  • (1) [correction of errors]

  • (2) 改正已发表的谈话或文章中的有关内容或字句上的错误

  • 予以更正

  • (3) 特指改正声明

  • 更正启示

更正[gēng zhèng]
  1. 月即将生效的法规,病人将有权规定透露其个人医疗资料的条件。他们可以检查自己的病历并进行更正。

    They would be able to examine their records and make corrections .

  2. 请使用“上一步”按钮来更正数据源。

    Use the back button to make corrections to the data source .

  3. 这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。

    The paper had to publish a correction to the story .

  4. 他们发表了一份声明,更正早先声明中的错误。

    They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier .

  5. 科学机构一直不愿作出更正。

    Scientific institutions have been reluctant to take corrective action

  6. �居民身份证有效期满或者登记内容有变更、更正或者证件严重损坏不能辨认时,应当按照规定申报换领新证;

    When the term of validity of a resident identity card has expired , or the items registered in it need be modified or corrected , or the card has been so seriously damaged that what is registered becomes illegible with a new card according to the relevant provisions ;

  7. windows已更正文件系统。

    Windows has made corrections to the file system .

  8. 若要更正此警告,请移除无法访问的代码,或者确认在case语句中使用的常数正确无误。

    To correct this warning , remove the unreachable code or verify that the constant used in the case statement is correct .

  9. 您想让windows自动更正您的屏幕分辨率和颜色深度设置吗?

    Do you want windows to automatically correct your screen resolution and color depth settings ?

  10. 指出了现存的V带当量摩擦系数计算公式的不足,并做了更正;

    The fault of present V-belt friction coefficient calculation formula has been pointed out .

  11. Grace车队密度散布模型的更正及应用

    Modification of Grace ′ s Density Diffusion Model and its Application

  12. 从book列表,您需要手动更正自动对authorid字段进行的映射。

    From the book list , you need to manually correct the mapping that is automatically done for author_id field .

  13. RationalPerformanceTester是一个为测试Web应用程序设计的软件,它的功能是在部署之前捕获并更正性能问题。

    Rational Performance Tester is a tool designed for testing Web applications in order to capture and correct performance problems before deployment .

  14. 如果更正措施是删除有问题的行数据,那么使用BEGINWORKWITHOUTREPLICATION语句删除行。

    If the correction is to delete the problematic row data , delete the row using the BEGIN WORK WITHOUT REPLICATION statement .

  15. 这些问题在最新Metro版本中还没有更正。

    None of these problems has been corrected as of the latest Metro release .

  16. 当您单击Process选项卡以切换编辑器时,您将获得一个要求您更正错误的对话框,它给出了有关错误原因的一些详细信息。

    When you click on the Process tab to switch editors , you will get a dialog asking to correct the error , giving some details about the reason for the error .

  17. 对现有V带当量摩擦计算公式做了更正,给出了新的V带当量摩擦系数计算公式。

    The new formula of equivalent friction coefficient of V-belt drive has been presented to correct the traditional one .

  18. 这是BuildForge云映像的未来版本将更正的一个缺陷。

    This is a defect that will be corrected in a future release of the Build Forge cloud image .

  19. 运行这个脚本,(在/home/premigration中)检查输出,在迁移之前更正输出结果报告的问题。

    Run this script , review the output ( in / home / pre_migration ), and correct any issues that it reports before migrating .

  20. 更正make错误可能比更正configure错误需要更多的说明,因为make错误可能反映文件缺失甚至文件中不正确的元素。

    Correcting make errors may require more interpretation than correcting configure errors , because the make errors are likely to reference missing files or even improper syntax within a file .

  21. 更正文件后,可以在其他PHP库旁边安装Apache目录。

    After you correct the files , you can install the Apache directory alongside your other PHP libraries .

  22. 更正了健康检查问题的IPS退出时玩家模式。

    Corrected an IPS health check issue when exiting Gamer Mode .

  23. 澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会(australiancompetitionandconsumercommission)迫使这家饮料集团在7家澳大利亚全国和州级报纸上刊登“更正性”广告。

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has forced the drinks group to publish " corrective " ads in seven Australian national and state-based newspapers .

  24. 第二种old&new效应为旧词判断为旧词比旧词判断为新词的ERP波形更正。

    Second old-new effect was that ERP of old words judged as old was more positive than that of old words judged as new .

  25. 如果某一表单包含数据验证错误,并且该表单已连接到数据库或web服务,在更正这些错误之后,用户方可提交该表单。

    If a form contains data validation errors , and it is connected to a database or web service , users won 't be able to submit the form until they fix these errors .

  26. 定期有质量控制小组完成GMP的内审。保留更正行动的记录。

    The QC Unit performs GMP Internal Audits periodically . A documented corrective action file is maintained .

  27. “continuethread”选项也可以被用作实际的编辑选项,用户可以更容易地对已有推文进行更正。

    The ' continue thread ' option could also be used as a de facto edit option - by letting users more easily append a correction to a preexisting tweet .

  28. 然后这个线程尽可能地更正这些问题,接着将Domino视图显示为正确的状态。

    The thread then fixes things up as much as possible , and then brings the Domino views up to a correct state .

  29. 此外,许多商业ESB产品还提供了其他一些可选的服务,比如数据扩充、消息分发、更正和监视。

    Furthermore , many commercial ESB products offer other optional services such data enrichment , distribution of messages , correlation , and monitoring .

  30. 要为项目中的所有任务更正wbs代码序列,请单击“完整项目”。

    To correct the WBS code sequence for all tasks in the project , click entire project .