
  1. 心理模型理论不能完全解释本研究得出的一些结果,但是相比于标准的心理模型理论和选择性加工模型,实验更支持元认知不确定性模型。

    The Mental Model theory cannot explain some results in this study , but compared with the standard Mental Model theory and Selectivity Processing Model experiment , more results support Meta-cognitive Uncertainty Model .

  2. 高分学生比低分学生更善于运用元认知策略。

    High achievers are better skilled than low achievers in applying metacognitive strategy .

  3. 结果表明,改进的有限元拟静力计算方法更接近有限元动力分析方法的计算结果,是一个精度较高、实用性很强的拟静力计算方法。

    The numerical results show that the improved finite element pseudo-static method is more practical .

  4. 女生比男生更常使用元认知策略,认知策略和社会/情感策略,但差异不具显著性。

    Female students used metacognitive strategies , cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies more often than male ones . But the differences of the use of the major strategies were all not statistically significant .

  5. 本研究表明:元认知策略培训能够提高学生的元认知水平;而且更高的元认知水平可以促进学生的自主学习能力,从而提高学生的英语学业成绩。

    The result of the research indicates that meta-cognitive strategy can enhance the students ' meta-cognition level and that students ' higher meta-cognitive level can enhance their ability in autonomous learning and then promote their achievements in English .

  6. 本论文实现的基础类库能够完成平面问题的有限元计算,并且可以在此类库的基础上,通过派生新的单元类来实现更复杂的有限元计算任务。

    The library implemented in this paper can be used for calculating plane problems , and you can derive new classes from it to fulfill your new calculating tasks .

  7. 希望这种新方法能令学生们接触到更广阔、更多元的学术环境,帮助他们的职业规划走上正轨。

    It 's hoped that this new method will expose students to a broader and more diverse academic environment and help them to get their career plans on track .

  8. 国产小成本爱情喜剧《失恋33天》上映首周末即创下2000万的票房佳绩,上映一周票房更是突破两亿元大关。

    Domestic small-budget comedy " 33 day opening weekend love " which hit20000000 box-office success , grossing more was released a week breaks through two hundred million yuan to close greatly .

  9. 在数字技术的推动下,视频设备市场已经进入从模拟设备向数字设备的转型期,由此引发了巨大的市场需求,其市场价值更是以千亿元计算,市场潜力不可估量。

    With the rapid development of digital technology , video equipment market has entered the turnaround from analog to digital . This gave rise to the huge market demand and a hundred-billion yuan market value .

  10. 此外,也可以为关注网络游戏玩家行为和发展的工作者们提供更丰富、更多元的观点,有利于他们采取妥善的措施帮助玩家进行有意义的角色建构。

    In addition , it can also provide a richer and more diversified perspective to the workers who concerned about the players ' behavior and development ; it will help them to take proper measures to help players establishing meaningful roles .

  11. 通过对照班和实验班的对比研究,结果表明:(1)元认知策略培训后,在听英语新闻时,学生能够更多地,更准确地使用元认知策略。

    Through the comparative study on experimental class and control class , the results show that : ( 1 ) After the metacognitive strategy training , the students will use metacognitive strategy more frequently and accurately in the process of English news listening .

  12. 另外,为了更有效地尝试改进最终设计的细节,而又不进行更精细有限元网格的完整分析,这里提出了一种精细网络设计方案。

    In addition , a refined mesh design scheme is proposed herein in an attempt to improve the details of the final design more efficiently and economically without resorting to a complete analysis of a finer mesh .

  13. 自然化交互是一种更自然、更直观、更接近人类行为方式的人机交互方式,让人们能够以更自然,更多元的方式与机器互动,使用计算机像与人交谈一样自然。

    Natural interaction is a more natural , more intuitive and closer to human behavior a human-computer interaction .