
kè qīng
  • alien minister;a person from one feudal state serving in the court of another
客卿 [kè qīng]
  • [alien minister;a person from one feudal state serving in the court of another] 古代官名,春秋战国时授予非本国人而在本国当高级官员的人

客卿[kè qīng]
  1. 秦国之所以成功地开发西部,并最终统一中国,客卿制度的实施,无疑是重要的因素。

    The reason that Qin gets successfully in exploitation , and unifies the country finally is the policy of alien minister .

  2. 作者为新加坡国立大学物理系客卿教授、华文报咨询团成员。

    The writer is a visiting professor at the NUS physics department and a member of the Singapore Chinese newspaper resource panel .

  3. 春秋时期,双方情况相似,客卿大多来自于从他国出奔而来的贵族。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , the two sides ' situation were similar , many of the alien ministers were noblemen who running away from their countries .