
kè jiā rén
  • a hakka
  1. 从那时候,我开始知道我是客家人,也身为客家人而感到自豪!

    Until then , I started to know I 'm a Hakka and also felt proud to be a Hakka .

  2. 黄遵宪作为客家人,其浓郁的客家情结对其诗歌理论和创作实践有着巨大影响。

    As a Hakka , Huang Zunxian s Hakka complex exerted a strong influence on his poetic theory and practice .

  3. 他们在外遇到客家人讲客语,这是一种语言聚合(convergence);

    When they meet Hakka people outside of ! the community , they speak Hakka dialect , which is a kind of language convergence ;

  4. 四个月后在广东梅县客家人中又发现一例JK(a-b-)型,先证者为一未婚女子。

    The second Jk ( a-b - ) was found in Hakka , Mei County , Guangdong Province , four months later . This proband is a young unmarried woman .

  5. 畲族先民迁入闽、粤、赣的时间较晚,与汉族(含客家人)是两个民族,各有独特文化;

    The She Nationality came later , different from the Hakkas ;

  6. 对客家人而言种植茶树是家族事业

    Among the Kejia people , tea-growing is a family business .

  7. 就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。

    Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement .

  8. 赣南最早的客家人&宁都赖氏

    The Earliest Hakka in Gannan & Lai Family in Ningdu

  9. 客家人父亲指称命名的文化修辞学阐释

    Cultural and Rhetoric Expatiation of Referent " Father " in Hakka Dialect

  10. 从族谱的家规家训看客家人的价值观念

    Values Reflected in the Family Rules and Regulations of the Hakka Genealogy

  11. 赣南是客家人的主要聚居地。

    The south of Jiangxi province is the main habitation of Hakkas .

  12. 客家人是汉民系的独特而稳定的群体;

    Hakkas Hanmin line is unique and stable groups ;

  13. 海外客家人的认同归属与中国民间经济外交

    The Self-identity Adscription and Chinese Economic Diplomacy Between Citizens

  14. 客家人起源的遗传学分析

    Origin of Hakka and Hakkanese : A Genetics Analysis

  15. 在客家人眼里,宴席主要就是要吃肉。

    The Hakka idea of feasting is mostly meat .

  16. 世界客属恳亲大会已经成为客家人生活中必不可少的一个仪式。

    Nowadays the World Hakka Conference has become an indispensable ceremony in Hakka .

  17. 客家人的其他主要收入来自运送像茶叶一样的货物

    the Kejia people 's other main income came from transporting goods like tea

  18. 茶在客家人生活中占据着重要地位

    Tea plays a vital part in Kejia life ,

  19. 客家人具有独特的客家精神。

    Hakkas has a unique spirit of the Hakka .

  20. 客家人的红细胞血型分布

    The distribution of red cell blood groups in Hakkas

  21. 近现代客家人过番的历史文化背景

    The Historical and Cultural Background of the Hakkas ′ Emigration in the Modern Times

  22. 凡符合上述稳定特征的人,可以称为客家人。

    The stability of the above characteristics , and can be called the Hakka .

  23. 移民来台湾之后,客家人依靠种茶辛苦度日。

    After immigrating to Taiwan , Hakka people eked out a living by cultivating tea .

  24. 客家人在家庭内部一直或经常使用客家话,很少使用成都官话。

    The Hakkas have been using Hakka Dialects Rather than Chengdu Mandarin within the family .

  25. 客家人的南迁就是一个例子。

    An example is the southward migration of the Hakkas , originally from the north .

  26. 客家人擅长耕茶,喜爱喝茶。

    Hakka people are good at planting the trees and they love to drink teas .

  27. 在中国的福建、广东等地方,有一个被称作客家人的群体。

    In China 's Fujian and Guangdong areas , there is a community called Hakka .

  28. 尤其是年青客家人请多多表达您们的意见和期望。

    Can you , especially the young Hakka generations share some lights on this aspect ?

  29. 东南亚历史上的客家人

    The Hakkas in Southeast Asian History

  30. 广西贺州客家人祖先崇拜

    Guangxi Hezhou Hakka Ancestor to Worship