
  • 网络passenger locomotive;passenger train locomotive;passenger locomotive,passenger train locomotive
  1. DF(4D)型客运机车电机悬挂系统动力学分析

    Analysis of dynamics of DF_ ( 4D ) passenger locomotive traction motor suspension system

  2. SS(7E)型客运机车车体

    Car body of SS_ ( 7E ) passenger locomotive

  3. 机车牵引齿轮静动态分析及在东风4D客运机车中的应用

    Static and Dynamic Analysis of Locomotive Driven Gear and Its Application in DF - 4 D Locomotive

  4. 东风(4B)型货比客运机车牵引电动机落修高的原因分析

    An analysis of the reasons for a higher overhaul rate of traction motors for DF_ ( 4B ) passenger locomotives with a freight gear ratio

  5. 该电机已装用在东风8B货运重载内燃机车和东风11准高速客运机车上,该电机也可用于其他领域。

    The motor has been fitted with heavy duty locomotive of DF8B and DF11 quasi-high speed passenger locomotive , the motor can also be used in other areas .

  6. 本文论证了大连机车车辆厂重点科技攻关项目&东风4D型高速客运机车转向架的设计和试验等整个攻关过程。

    This text discussed the whole process of the point technology of DALIAN LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING STOCK WORKS , which offends to close the Locomotive bogie of super-speed passenger transportation in a type of DongFeng 4D item a design and experiment .

  7. 浅析200km/h速度等级客运机车的功率选择

    Horse power selection for passenger locomotive of 200km / h speed level

  8. 客运机车分配阀的试验研究

    The test and study of distribution valves for passenger locomotives

  9. 铁路客运机车动态调度仿真研究

    Research on Dynamic Dispatching Emulation of Railway Passenger Locomotive

  10. 提速客运机车运用功率利用率的计算与评定

    Calculation and Evaluation of Operation Power Utilization Ratio for Passenger Locomotive Raised Speed Running

  11. 我国200km/h客运机车的动轴数分析

    Analysis on How to Determine 200km / h Passenger Locomotive Power Axle Number in Our Country

  12. 配件厂对东风系列客运机车进行牵引计算和开发预测的实践

    Yongji Electric Machine Factory 's traction calculation and development prediction practice of DF Series Passenger Locomotives

  13. 客运机车乘务员视觉功能状况的研究老年人家庭功能状况及影响因素分析

    Visual fatigue investigation among locomotive engineers ; Research on family function of elderly and its influential factors in Anhui province

  14. 为适应铁路新型客运机车装用螺杆式空气压缩机的需要,研制螺杆式空气压缩机油。

    Screw air compressor oil is developed to meet the requirement that the new type railway passenger locomotive be equipped with screw air compressor .

  15. 摘要通过对铁路机车运用系统的调研,提出客运机车动态调度模式。

    Through investigation and research of the operation system of railway locomotives , the essay puts forward the dynamic dispatching model of railway passenger locomotives .

  16. 铁路客运机车乘务人员的合理运用对于机车高效运转、列车安全运行以及为旅客提供快速便捷的服务具有积极而重要的意义。

    The reasonable using of crew is important and meaningful to railway passenger transportation in locomotive efficient working , train safe running and fast and convenient service for passengers .

  17. 介绍DF9型大功率客运机车改造后的总体布置、主要部件改造后的结构特点、主要技术参数、牵引特性、试验和运用等情况。

    This paper describes the general layout , structural characteristics of main parts , main technical parameters , traction characteristic and test results of rebuilt high power DF_9 passanger locomotive .

  18. 本文从现有研究结论出发,总结归纳了机车乘务组织问题的相关理论,并对客运机车乘务交路编制问题进行了比较深入的探讨。

    Based on the existing research conclusions , correlate theories of railway crew scheduling problem have been summarized , and the problem of locomotive crew routings of railway passenger transportation have been discussed deeply .

  19. 文章介绍了SS5型客运电力机车总体布置和通风系统的特点。

    This article gives the features of the general arrangement and ventilation system of SS5 passenger electric locomotive .

  20. 此DDU(DriverDisplayUnit)采用客运电力机车专用的司机显示屏,操作系统采用CLFSLinux系统,该系统是PIXY公司在2.6.17.13-Linux内核的基础上针对DDU的特殊应用裁减出来的。

    This DDU ( Driver Display Unit ) uses the special-purpose driver display monitor . Its operating system is CLFS Linux system , this system is PIXY company reduces in - Linux Kernel according to the special application of DDU .

  21. 简要介绍SS9改进型大功率客运电力机车总体结构、技术特点及与原SS9机车不同之处。

    The overall structure , technical characteristics and differences of the modified high power SS9 passenger locomotive are stated .

  22. 介绍了我国第一代快速客运电力机车&韶山5型(SS5)电力机车的技术开发与技术应用情况,分析了以此为基础的我国客运电力机车向准高速、高速技术发展的起步。

    The paper briefs on the technical devel - opment and application of SS 5 locomotive & the first generation electric locomotive for express passenger service in China , and analyzes advances of electric locomotives for passenger service towards quasi-high - speed and high-speed levels based on SS 5 .

  23. 介绍出口哈萨克斯坦的KZ4A客运电力机车转向架的主要技术参数、结构特点。

    The main technical parameters and structure characteristics are put forward for the bogie of KZ4A passenger electric locomotive export to Khaskstan .

  24. DJ2型高速交传客运电力机车转向架

    Bogie on type DJ 2 high speed AC drive electric locomotive

  25. 客运电力机车主电路初探

    A Discussion on Power Circuits of Electric Passenger Locomotive

  26. 中速客运电力机车的技术特点

    Technical features for middle speed passenger electric locomotive

  27. 浅析国产客运提速机车基础制动装置现状

    A preliminary analysis of the current situations of basic braking equipment for domestic speed-up passenger locomotives

  28. 本文对新型客运电力机车功率利用、主电路选择和功率因数补偿等进行了初步探讨。

    This paper makes an approach to the utilization of powers , selection of power circuits and correction of power factor for new electric passenger locomotive .

  29. 这条经过四川省茂盛山谷的窄轨铁路是世界上仅存的最后几条客运蒸汽机车之一。

    The narrow-gauge railway , running through a lush valley in Sichuan , is one of the last regular passenger steam train services in the world .

  30. 为了尽快赶上国际客运电力机车技术发展,现在国内已经开始自主开发国产客运电力机车。

    In order to catch up with the technology development of international electric locomotive as soon as possible , we already started to develop the electric locomotives independently .