
  1. 在未排除军事用途的同时,官方通讯社新华社称,这架水陆两栖飞机具备执行“森林灭火、水上救援”任务的能力。AG600的尺寸与波音737(Boeing737)相当。

    While not ruling out military uses , state news agency Xinhua said the amphibious aircraft , which is the size of Boeing 737 , would be deployed to " fight forest fires and perform marine rescue missions . "

  2. 中航工业称,由于在森林灭火和水上救援中有多种用途,AG600飞机已获得意向订单17架

    The aircraft has already received 17 intent orders due to its multiple uses in fighting forest fires and marine rescue , according to AVIC .

  3. 初探水上救援技术课程的目标及内容设计&对在我院开设水上救援技术课的研究

    Academic Goal and Content Design of the Water Based Rescues Teaching & Study on the Water Based Rescues Teaching in Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering

  4. 此次演习包括洪水、地震等其他灾难情况下的水上救援、瓦砾及狭窄地域救援以及浮桥快速搭建等科目。

    They practiced disaster water-surface helicopter rescue , debris and narrow-space rescue operations , and fast building of pontoon bridges against the backdrop of flooding , earthquake and other disasters .

  5. AG600最大起飞重量53.5吨,水上应急救援可以一次性救护50名人员。

    The plane has a maximum takeoff weight of 53.5 tons , and is able to carry 50 people during a maritime search and rescue mission .

  6. 继而研究了水上应急救援物资协同配置体系的构成,并从纵向和区域两个方面对本文提出的协同配置体系进行了详细的分析与介绍。

    Afterwards , this paper studied the composition of the coordinated marine emergency rescue resource allocation mechanism and analysis the cooperative allocation mechanism from longitudinal and regional two aspects in detail .

  7. 本次演习包括水上直升机救援、废墟及狭窄空间内救援,同时也训练了洪水、地震及其他灾害条件下快速浮桥搭建。

    Drills have included water-surface helicopter rescue , debris and narrow-space rescue operations , as well as training for the rapid deployment of pontoon bridges in the case of flooding , earthquakes or other disasters .

  8. 但是,水上事故的特殊性和救援环境的复杂性对水上事故的有效救援提出了更高的要求。

    Yet , the characteristics of marine perils and the complexity of rescue environment put forward a higher requirement for the effective rescue .