
  1. 由他协助设计水星号航天器上操作简便的仪器。

    So , he helped design easy-to-use instruments for the Mercury spacecraft .

  2. 水星号太空计划中,每次飞行只有一名宇航员。

    Under the mercury program each flight had one astronaut .

  3. 降落伞将水星号航天器降落到海面。

    Parachutes lowered the Mercury spacecraft to the ocean surface .

  4. 后来,水星号航天器又进行了三次飞行。

    Three more flights were made in Mercury spacecraft .

  5. 所以,他帮助设计太空服,以保护太空中的水星号宇航员。

    He helped design the space suits that would protect the Mercury astronauts in space .

  6. 夜间露水降在营中,吗哪也随着降下。降落伞将水星号航天器降落到海面。

    " When the dew came down on the tents at night , the manna came down with it . " Parachutes lowered the Mercury spacecraft to the ocean surface .

  7. 水星30号正行后,你会得到报酬。不管怎样,你总有机会得到至少一笔欠你的款项。

    You are likely to get paid after Mercury goes direct May30 , but there 's always a chance you can shake the tree and get at least one check owed you to fall out !

  8. 水星从7号至30号逆行,但会使整个月份运势波澜不大。

    Mercury will be retrograde from May7 to30 , but will create static all month .

  9. 另一方面,水星在7-30号都是逆行,而你从1号开始就会立刻感到沮丧,因为事情的进展都减速了。

    On the other hand , Mercury will be retrograde all month , from May7 to30 , but you will feel the frustrating slowdowns instantly , from May1 onward .