
shuǐ yùn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • water transport management
  1. 本文的主要工作是:研究WebServices技术架构;以Web服务封装水运管理的业务规则,基于Web服务建立水运管理信息系统;

    The article was focus on the aspects below : to study the technology framework of Web Services and to employ in the waterage management information system of ministry of communications to encapsulate the manage rules as web service ;

  2. 本文以交通部水运管理信息系统为背景,通过对众多信息系统的研究,特别是对它们的层次和结构的分析,建立了一个基于WebServices的六层结构分布式信息系统。

    This paper takes the waterage management information system of ministry of communications as its background . By the research on many information system , especially on their layers and structures , this paper builds a distribute information system with six layers based on Web Services .

  3. 在当互联网络日益普及的今天,港航管理部门如何正确的行使水运管理职能,如何正确引导地方水运业的发展,是一个极为紧迫的问题。

    With the popularity of the Internet nowadays , how to enforce the waterborne functions properly and how to lead the development of the local enterprises efficiently pose a great confrontation to the government body .

  4. 科学管理务实精神规范水运工程管理

    Scientific management practical spirit regulate water transport project management

  5. 集成型PMC模式在水运工程建设管理中的应用研究

    Application Research of Integrated PMC Model for Water Transportation Engineering Construction Management

  6. 水运工程造价管理现状及未来

    Present and Future of Cost Management of Port and Waterway Engineering

  7. 中国水运工程项目管理模式应用研究

    Application research on project management models for China water transportation construction

  8. 黑龙江水运工程造价管理初探

    On Cost Management of Navigation Projects in Heilongjiang Province

  9. 水运工程造价管理改革的设想

    An idea on the Reform of Cost Management of Water Way Transportation Engineering

  10. 该软件为水运规划与管理提供了一种新的有力工具。

    The software supplies a new powerful tool to planning and management of shipping .

  11. 综述当前水运工程造价管理工作的改革模式,并提出各设计阶段造价管理工作的重点。

    This paper describes the present reformation pattern for the cost management of water way transportation engineering and proposes the important points for the works of cost management at each stage of design .

  12. 公路水运工程试验检测管理办法

    Measures for Management of Highway and Waterway Engineering Examination and Detection

  13. 大型水运工程投标组织管理与策略研究

    Organization , Management and Strategy Study on Bidding of Larger Navigational Engineering Projects

  14. 论企业的物资管理&对河北省水运工业公司物资管理工作的调查

    On handing of goods and materials of business & investigation of work on handing of goods and materials in Hebei Province Company of water transport

  15. 叙述了水运工程施工项目管理中对组织机构、质量、成本、进度、安全、文明施工控制的主要方法和措施。

    The main methods and control means of organizations , quality , cost , progress , safety and civilized construction in construction project management of port waterway engineering are presented .

  16. 面对激烈的市场竞争形势和企业持续健康发展的需要,成本管理在水运工程施工企业管理中占有越来越重要的位置。

    In view of the intense market competition situation and the sustainable development of the enterprises , cost management is a very essential and important management work in construction enterprise management .

  17. 回顾水运工程概预算定额管理,论述水运工程造价管理现状,并对工程造价管理改革提出一些看法。

    Budget quotation management of port and waterway engineering is reviewed . Present of cost management of port and waterway engineering is introduced and some views on reform of engineering cost management are put forward .

  18. 文章结合目前公路水运工程试验检测市场的存在问题和检测机构的现状,分析了贯彻《公路水运工程试验检测管理办法》的必要性及检测在建设工程质量管理中的作用。

    The article union the road water transportation engineering test examines the market at present the existence question and the examination organization present situation , has analyzed implements " Road Water transportation Engineering test Examination Policing method " the necessity and the examination in the construction project quality control function .