
  1. 上海国际港务集团(shanghaiinternationalportgroup)总裁陈戌源指出,到上海港的驳船运输量正以每年35%的速度增长。

    Chen Xuyuan , President of Shanghai international port group , says barge traffic to its ports is growing at a rate of 35 per cent year-on-year .

  2. 陈戌源承认,上港集团与其它大型港口运营商存在共性。

    Mr Chen accepts SIPG shares features with other big port operators .

  3. 有时候,愿望只是愿望,并不是现实,陈戌源表示。

    Sometimes wishes are wishes and not reality , Mr Chen says .

  4. 我们认为存在各种各样的可能性,陈戌源表示。

    We think there are all kinds of possibilities , Mr Chen says .

  5. 陈戌源是上海国际港务集团董事长,这家公司负责管理洋山深水港区。

    Chen Xuyuan is director of the Shanghai International Port group , which runs the Yangshan deep water area .

  6. 了解了这些背景情况,全球海上运输业内可能没人会小瞧陈戌源最新的一系列计划。

    Against that backdrop , few in the world maritime industry are likely to dismiss Mr Chen 's latest plans .

  7. 陈戌源说,些举使上海成为世界知名的港口城市。

    Chen Xuyuan says that move was the start of Shanghai one of the world 's most respected port cities .

  8. 小洋山岛上这间铺着白色地毯、装潢正式的房间是一个繁忙的地方,陈戌源在这里与来访者们交谈。

    The white-carpeted , formal room where Chen Xuyuan speaks to visitors , on Xiao Yangshan island , is a busy place .

  9. 如果我们想要成为一家全球性的港口运营商,那么这项投资还不够,陈戌源在谈到泽布吕赫港的投资时表示。

    If we want to become a global terminal operator , it 's not enough , Mr Chen says of the Zeebrugge investment .

  10. 除收购海外资产以外,陈戌源称上港集团还必须加强其内部管理,并改善上海的监管环境。

    As well as uying overeas assets , Mr Chen says SIPG needs to strengthen its internal management and improve the regulatory environment in Shanghai .

  11. 就进一步扩张而言,亚太地区是最具潜力的地方,但陈戌源表示,他希望在全世界建立港口网络。他只是排除了在美国进行扩张的可能性。

    The Asia-Pacific region is the most promising location for further expansion but Mr Chen also says he wants to build up a network of terminals all over the world .

  12. 我们必须提高自己在国际市场上的竞争力,不仅要与附近的港口竞争,还要与全球其它所有港口展开竞争,陈戌源表示。

    We need to improve our competitiveness in international markets , not only to compete with neighbouring ports but also with all the other ports in the world , Mr Chen says .