
  1. 海洋环境要素对舰船航行影响较大。

    The ocean environment elements affect deeply ship sailing .

  2. 海洋环境要素客观分析图绘制的若干问题

    Some Problems With the Plotting of Objective Analysis Map of Marine Environmental Elements

  3. 本文介绍海洋环境要素的声光集成测量原理和测量方法。

    In this paper , Ultrasonic optic integration measurement principle and method about ocean environment elements are introduced .

  4. 利用ERS-2SAR调查探测锋面和内波等海洋环境要素;

    Images of ERS-2 SAR were employed to survey the oceanic environment factors such as front and internal wave .

  5. 该格式可用于海洋环境要素的剖面数据交换,并可进一步用于断面数据的数据交换。

    This format provides a general tool to record marine profile data , and also can be used for data exchange .

  6. 此结果弥补了物理海洋学方法对海洋环境要素小尺度预报精度的不足,为船舶航行提供全域背景和信息决策指导。

    This results can compensate the precision shortcomings of the forecast results by physical oceanography method and could be the guidance of whole information background for ship navigation .

  7. 用于采集不同区域、不同深度海洋环境要素的各种数据,支持大量的存储容量及数据的实时传输。

    Used for collecting different area of different depth and Marine environment factors , all kinds of data , support the massive storage capacity and real-time data transmission .

  8. 结果表明,最佳航线和海洋环境要素的分布及变化有极为密切的关系,尤其是强温带气旋活动对最佳航线选择影响更为显著。

    The results calculated Indicate that the optimum routing is very closely associated with the distributions and changes of marine environmental elements , In particular , the strong temperate cyclone affects the choice of optimum sea routing significantly .

  9. 将中国近海现有海洋环境要素的观测数据有机地融合起来进行区域划分,对实现传统导航信息与海洋环境辅助信息合理地结合,提高船舶航行的安全性有重要的意义。

    Dividing China 's sea in clusters by the fusion of the observed data of existing ocean environment element has important significance for the reasonable combination of navigation and ocean environment information and also for the improvement of ship navigation safety .

  10. X-波段船用雷达观测海洋动力环境要素仿真研究

    The simulation of monitoring oceanic dynamical environment parameters based on X-band nautical radar

  11. 东中国海海洋动力环境要素的数值模拟方法研究

    Study on the Numerical Simulation of Marine Environmental Dynamic Factors in the East China Seas

  12. 该系统的设计与开发对提高海洋石油环境要素调查与观测资料的管理水平和促进海洋环境数据的应用都有着积极的意义。

    This system will play an important role in the mangement and application of marine environmental data in offshore oil industry .

  13. 在这种发展背景下,多源海洋环境监测要素的集成和分析方法的研究已经成为推动我国海洋事业发展的重中之重。

    Under this context , the research of multi-source marine environment monitoring element integration and analysis methods has been given primary importance among all efforts in developing the sea .