
  • 网络naval missile
  1. 大力推行海军导弹装备综合保障(ILS)的实施

    Pushing to Executing ILS of Naval Missile Materiel

  2. 以对某海军导弹通用测试系统中的数据采集电路板进行改进为例,实现了该电路板的可测性设计;

    An example is taken for improving the data collection circuit board of the naval missile universal test system , and the realization of the measurability design of the circuit board is presented .

  3. 金属减振器在海军导弹武器中的应用

    The Application of Metal Damper to Navy Missile Weapon System

  4. 中国海军导弹艇战力的跨越式发展

    The PLA Navy 's Missile Boat Makes Great Strides

  5. 根据海军导弹使用、维护情况以及技术保障要求,建立导弹武器系统综合保障管理信息系统。

    According to the use , the maintenance and the technical support demand of navy missile equipment , this paper exploit MIS of Integrated Logistics Support for Guided Missile Weapon System .

  6. 海军舰载导弹防空系统信息作战方法

    Study on Information Operation Method for Ship-based Missile Air Defence System

  7. 俄海军舰空导弹武器设计和试验一体化仿真平台

    Design and Test Integrated Simulation Platform for Ship-to-Air Missiles of Russian Navy

  8. 二次抽样检验在海军战术导弹批检中的应用研究

    The Application of Secondary Sampling Method to Batch Checking for Naval Tactical Missile

  9. 海军战术导弹状态转移时间计算模型

    Time Model of Changing State of Naval Tactical Missile

  10. 海军战术导弹武器系统试验设计

    Testing Design for Navy Tactical Missile Weapon Systems

  11. 他在美国海军发射导弹前不久发表讲话,并补充表示:“没有人对此表示担忧”。

    Speaking shortly before the Navy took the shot , he added that " no one has expressed concern " .

  12. 美国海军派遣导弹驱逐舰协助马来西亚航空公司失联航班的搜救行动。

    The US Navy has sent a guided-missile destroyer to assist in the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines flight .

  13. 海军在导弹化、体化、息化建设方面取得了很大进步,已具备了近海防御作战能力。

    The navy has made great pro-gress in enhancing missile availability , three-dimensional operation capability and information capability , and it thus has acquired the ca-pability of offshore defensive operations .

  14. SSBN是美国海军对弹道导弹核潜艇的分类称谓。

    SSBN is the United States Navy 's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine .

  15. 最后的[公爵]英国海军23型导弹护卫舰

    UK Royal Navy 's Type 23 Missile Frigate

  16. [中国海军]舰载导弹垂直发射系统的选择

    How to Choose Shipborne Missile Vertical Launching System

  17. 展示了国外海军发展舰载导弹共架发射技术的经验,并对舰载导弹系统采用共架发射技术后的特点进行了阐述。

    Common-frame launch technology for carrier-based missile abroad was showed in this essay and the features which the carrier-based missile adopts common-frame launch techniques was analyzed .

  18. 因为我国东海海岸线长达9000公里,东海海域处于我国空军和海军以及陆地导弹的有效打击范围。

    Because of the East China Sea coastline of9000 kilometers , the East China Sea in China 's air force and Navy and land missile effectively combat range .

  19. 五年之后的1988年,两伊战争结束前,一架航班号为655的伊朗航空客机在从德黑兰飞往迪拜的过程中被美国海军文森斯号导弹巡洋舰击落。

    Five years later , in 1988 , Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was gunned down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes as the Iran Iraq war drew to a close .

  20. 1991年,肖恩加入皇家海军成为一名导弹发射兵。

    Sean joined the Royal Navy in1991 as a missile-man .

  21. 五角大楼官员表示最有可能的手段是:美国驻地中海的海军军舰发射巡航导弹。

    The most likely option Pentagon officials say : cruise missiles fired from US Navy ships in the eastern Mediterranean .