
  • Audition
  1. 小高:没呢。我正在排练呢,我要参加美国偶像的一个海选。京晶:啊?

    No , I 'm just rehearsing for an American Idol audition .

  2. 你觉得海选公正吗?

    Do you think the audition process was fair ?

  3. 我们有谁YoungHomie的海选片段来看看

    And we have a clip of who of the Young Homie , Let 's take a look at him

  4. 那么我们再来谈谈球场外的事情,您是否可以向我们透露一下CEO海选工作的一些进展?

    Away from on-field matters , what 's the latest on your search for a Chief Executive and when do you think you will be in a position to make an announcement ?

  5. 昨天我和Bryan在逛商场的时候,我看见“好男儿”正在举行2007的海选。

    Yesterday while Bryan and I were walking in the mall , I saw that " My Hero " was holding auditions for the2007 competition .

  6. 据CCTV《人才搜索》通知上显示,海选将在纽约,华盛顿,休斯顿,芝加哥,洛杉矶和旧金山这几个地方举行。

    Try-outs will be hosted in New York , Washington , D.C. , Houston , Chicago , Los Angeles and San Francisco , according to CCTV 's notification for the talent hunt .

  7. 在前人实证研究的基础上,海选各种变量,采用逐步回归的方法力求比较全面地找出IPO抑价的影响因素。

    So , on the basis of the predecessors ' empirical research , after mass selecting all sorts of variables , the author makes every effort to completely make out the influencing factors of IPO underpricing through stepwise regression .

  8. 盲听海选,歌唱比赛,现场表演,这些都是真人秀节目“好声音”的经典模式。它的原版是由媒体大亨JohndeMol于2010年创办的一档荷兰现场歌唱比赛。

    Blind auditions , singing competitions , live performances , this is the classic format of the talent show " The Voice . " Its origin is a Dutch reality singing competition , created by media tycoon John de Mol in 2010 .

  9. 精神健康慈善机构近日对Simon和ITV发出警告,要求他们反省自己对参赛者的态度,因为一名有精神病史的参赛者在海选中遭到嘲笑。

    Mental health charities have called on Simon Cowell and ITV to urgently reevaluate how they pick contestants , after a man with a history of severe mental health problems was jeered on a TV talent show .

  10. 特别是《美国偶像》海选环节能够创造这个神话。

    The American Idol auditions , in particular , create this myth .

  11. 海选试唱一开赛,就吸引了全中国成千上万的人来参赛。

    The kick off audition attracted around thousands contestants from all over China .

  12. 海选时刚出场表演他就被淘汰了,但他并没有放弃。

    He got booed after his first audition but he did not give up .

  13. 这是我在节目中看过最精彩的海选。

    I think it 's the most exciting audition I 've ever seen in the show .

  14. 只要通过了数字海选,简历的重要性便会降低。

    Once you get through the digital winnowing stage , your resume matters a lot less .

  15. 今天,美偶的海选已经到了肯塔基州的路易斯维尔。

    Today , the American Idol Audition Road Show made its way to Louisville , Kentucky .

  16. 我昨天去海选现场了

    but II auditioned yesterday and I

  17. 海选将于本月晚些时候启动,比赛将于下月晚些时候正式播出。

    Auditions start later this month with the show set to go on air in late August .

  18. 据悉,此次海选要求年龄在14岁到26岁之间、有志向的年轻人提交他们的照片和简历。

    The selection requires aspirants aged between 14 and 26 to hand in their photos and resumes .

  19. 海选中,他险遭淘汰,但最终赢得晋级的机会。

    He had barely survived the audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest .

  20. 他在参加海选时演唱的是马里奥的热门蓝调歌曲《让我爱你》。

    He auditioned with the song Let Me Love You , an R & B hit by Mario .

  21. 你知道吗这很好因为他把观众带进了海选现场

    You know what , it 's great.because he decided to have a live audience to back up the auditions

  22. 这档节目的第一阶段将包括海选以及选出15名能歌善舞的选手。

    The first stage of the show will involve auditions and the selection of 15 contestants that can sing and dance .

  23. 海选试音时,刘著从着装、举止到言谈都酷似女生,以至于评委都对他的性别几度表示质疑。

    Auditioning for the show , Liu dressed , acted and spoke so femininely that the judges questioned his gender several times .

  24. 唱歌、跳舞和表演都是我一直以来的最爱,所以我决定报名并参加海选。

    Singing , dancing , and performing have always been my greatest loves , so I decided to sign up and audition .

  25. “高姐”整装待命:高铁线路上的乘务员都是从无数应聘者中海选出来的,而且已经经过了严格训练。

    High-speed train attendants ready for service : The crew on the rail route were selected from numerous applicants and have undergone rigorous training .

  26. 评价指标体系分别采用了相关性分析、离散程度分析和主成分分析三种分析方法,从海选指标中挑选出来12个信用指标构成农户小额贷款信用风险评价的指标体系。

    We use the correlation analysis , discrete analysis and principal component analysis , and 12 indicators are selected to establish the evaluation index system .

  27. 长得像小天使一样的学龄男孩罗南·帕克在伦敦赛区海选中技惊四座,之后被评委迈克·麦肯泰建议说“不用担心回学校怎么办了”。

    Angelic schoolboy Ronan Parke was advised to'not bother to go back to school'by Michael McIntyre after he wowed the audience at the London auditions .

  28. “斗地主”全国锦标赛的参赛者将通过“海选”选出,“海选”活动将于2017年6月截止。

    Participants of the national " Fight the Landlord " tournament will be selected through a mass election , which will conclude in June 2017 .

  29. 在经过了漫长的海选和五天紧张的半决赛之后,11位候选选手中其中一位成为了第八季英国达人秀2014年的冠军。

    After weeks of nail-biting auditions and five days of tense semi-finals , Britains Got Talent picked one of the 11 acts to be the 2014 champion .

  30. 一直从我错过了去年的海选我所有的朋友们都在劝我不要错过参加第二季比赛的机会。

    Ever since I missed auditions last year , all of my friends have been telling me to make sure not to miss out on season two .