
  • 网络transient effect
  1. 模拟电路的单粒子瞬时效应

    Single-event transients ( SET ) in analog circuits

  2. 研究结果表明:白云母在碱剂中存在短期瞬时效应和振荡变化趋势;

    Results for muscovite in alkalis show there exist instant dissolution trend and vibrating trend during the process .

  3. 含有Ⅲ型中心裂纹的矩形薄板在突然位移作用下的瞬时效应

    Transient response of a central crack in a rectangular sheet with suddenly displaced boundaries for the tearing mode

  4. 以最大限度追求瞬时效应为目的,商用广告英语在句法上以简单句,省略句和祈使句的超常使用为特色。

    Syntactically , Commercial Advertising English characterizes in the extra employments of simple , elliptical and imperative sentences in pursuit of the maximal instant effect .

  5. 结果表明,磁场影响的时间效应与电极反应的控制过程有关:对物质输送过程的影响是瞬时效应,对电荷输送过程的影响是记忆效应。

    The results showed that the time effect was dependent upon the controlling process in electrode reactions . For the mass transfer process , the effect was instantaneous , while for the charge transfer process , it was memorial .

  6. 反熔丝FPGA延时电路γ瞬时辐射效应

    γ transient radiation effects of a FPGA delay circuit

  7. MOSFET的瞬时辐射效应

    A Transient Radiation Effect in MOSFET

  8. 双极型集成电路瞬时辐照效应的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of the Transient Radiation Effect on Bipolar ICs

  9. 颌面部瞬时空腔效应及血管损伤效应研究

    Temporary Cavity and Blood Vessel Injurious Effects in Maxillofacial Region

  10. 冲击波瞬时生物效应的高速摄影研究

    A Study of Instantaneous Biological Effects of Blast Waves with High-speed Photography

  11. 脉冲激光器的瞬时辐照效应模拟

    Simulation of Transient Ir radiation Effect by a Pulsed Laser

  12. 脉冲法测量热扩散率中的非瞬时脉冲效应

    Non-instantaneous pulse effect in pulse thermal diffusivity measurement

  13. 半导体二极管γ瞬时辐射效应

    Gamma-Ray Transient Radiation Effects in Semiconductor Diodes

  14. 瞬时辐照效应计算机分析程序在PC机上的移值

    Transplantation of the Computer Simulation Program of the Effect of Transient Radiation to IBM-PC Computer

  15. γ脉宽对电子器件瞬时辐照效应的影响

    Pulse-width dependent radiation effects on electronic components

  16. 本文介绍了利用计算机模拟双极型集成电路的瞬时辐照效应。

    A computer simulation of the transient radiation effect on bipolar integrated circuits is described in this article .

  17. 本文研究了半导体二极管瞬时电离辐射效应,给出了在闪光X射线机上的试验结果。

    In this paper the transient ionization radiation effects in semiconductor diodes are studied , and the test results on the flash X-ray mechine are given .

  18. 两种弹丸致狗软组织伤的瞬时空腔的效应

    Characteristics of Temporary Cavitation due to Two Kinds of Bullets on Soft Tissues of Dogs

  19. 作为钢结构瞬时动力荷载效应的基础,本文对刚性连接钢框架和半刚性连接钢框架受冲击过程进行了数值仿真,重点研究了冲击过程中的冲击荷载和能量分配。

    As the basic work for further research on instantaneous dynamical load , the numerical simulation of the impacted rigid steel frame and semi-rigid steel frame has been done in this dissertation .

  20. 等梯度加速结构瞬时束流负载效应的计算

    Transient Beam Loading Problem in Constant Gradient Accelerator Structure

  21. 胸部火器伤犬阻闭迷走神经对瞬时及早期心血管效应的影响

    Influences of obstructing vagus on instantaneous and incipient cardiovascular reactions in dogs with firearm thoracic wound

  22. 戏剧这种文体的特殊性,诸如讲求瞬时理解、即时效应等,要求在处理文化和语法相异之处时充分考虑译语观众的接受能力。

    In front of the cultural divergence and grammatical differences encountered in drama translation , the peculiar requirements of this literary genre , such as the spontaneous comprehension , the effect of immediacy etc. , put the receptivity of the target language audience in a very sensitive position .