
  • 网络Haydn;Hayden;joseph haydn;Franz Joseph Haydn;Hyden
  1. 他的钢琴曲目包括海顿《惊愕交响曲》(Surprise)的改编版。8岁时,父亲给了他作品的管线乐全谱。

    One piece in his piano repertory was a reduction of Haydn 's " Surprise " Symphony , and when he was 8 , his father gave him a copy of the full orchestral score .

  2. 多纳尼演绎海顿&G大调第88交响曲

    Christoph von Dohnanyi : Joseph Haydn Symphony No.88 in G Major

  3. 2016年,汤姆·基廷因需要特殊照顾,而住进了利物浦海顿的MossView护理之家。

    Tom Keating became a resident at Moss View care home in Huyton , Liverpool , in 2016 because he needed additional care and support .

  4. 游戏群星云集,其中包含《神盾局特工》(AgentsofS.H.I.E.L.D)的演员布雷特o道顿,美剧《纳什维尔》(Nashville)的演员海顿o潘妮蒂尔和《极品飞车》(NeedforSpeed)的演员拉米o马雷克。

    The game stars a Hollywood cast that includes Brett Dalton ( Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ) , Hayden Panettiere ( Nashville ) and Rami Malek ( Need for Speed ) .

  5. 海顿于1781年遇见了莫扎特,他给海顿留下了深刻的印象。

    Haydn met Mozart in1781 and was impressed with him .

  6. 莫扎特和海顿改变了歌剧的整个结构。

    Mozart and Haydn changed the whole structure of opera .

  7. 迈克尔?海顿将军已正式主持美国中央情报局。

    General Michael Hayden is officially head of the cia .

  8. 浅析海顿音乐创作风格的转变

    A brief analysis of the transformation of Haydn ′ s music style

  9. 海顿主题变奏曲,圣·安东尼圣咏

    Variations on a Theme by Haydn , " St Antoni Chorale "

  10. 海顿和他的《降E大调小号协奏曲》

    Haydn and His Trumpet Concerto in E Flat Major ;

  11. 论海顿音乐中的喜剧性&以海顿弦乐四重奏为例证

    On Comedy in Haydn 's Music-with Haydn 's String Quartets as Case Examples

  12. 莫扎特在风格上与海顿截然不同。

    Mozart 's style is quite distinct from Haydn 's.

  13. 海顿与他的《创世纪》:宗教与世俗的对话

    Hayden and HisGenesis : Dialogue between Religion and Secularity

  14. 你准备好见海顿费尔德了吗?

    You ready to meet Hayden field or what ?

  15. 海顿高中是我人生的低潮…

    Hayden was the low point of my existence ...

  16. 海顿和莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲音乐风格比较

    Musical Styles and Skills Comparison of Haydn 's and Mozart 's Piano Sonatas

  17. 海顿:你们有没有想过走回头路?

    Haydn : Did you think of going back ?

  18. 海顿:维也纳古典乐派的奠基者

    Haydn : The Founder of Vienna Classical Music

  19. 维也纳小型歌剧院正推出莫扎特与海顿的双码好戏。

    The Vienna Chamber Opera is offering a double bill of Mozart and haydn .

  20. 海顿:你们在洞里呆了多久?

    Haydn : how long were you there ?

  21. 后来作曲家们都仿效海顿谱写交响曲和其他作品的布局。

    Later composers followed Haydn 's outline plans for his symphonies and other works .

  22. 海顿还写了许多歌剧。

    Haydn also wrote a number of operas .

  23. 海顿钢琴奏鸣曲第一乐章主部主题句式研究

    An Analysis of the First Theme Syntax in the First Movement of Haydn Piano Sonata

  24. 海顿:不错,混合型汽车的燃料消耗量比一般汽车小得多。

    Haydn : Yes , hybrid cars use much less fuel than an ordinary car .

  25. 管窥西方18世纪赞助制度与音乐的关系&以海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬为例

    A brief survey of the relationship between Music and the sponsoring system in 18th Century

  26. 海顿医生正在等他。

    Dr. Haydon was waiting for him .

  27. 莫扎特、海顿和贝多芬是古典时期的代表作曲家。

    Mozart , Haydn and Beethoven , on behalf of composers of the classical period .

  28. 古典派的作曲家如莫札特和海顿

    Classical composers such as Mozart and Haydn

  29. 海顿:那个考试,我恐怕考得不怎麽好。

    Haydn : Well I don 't think I did very well in that exam .

  30. 海顿地郊外的机器屠宰场

    A flesh fair outside Haddonfield .