
  • 网络Helene;Hay Lin;HYE-RIM
  1. 海琳安和她的家人在加州拥有一家大型餐饮企业。

    Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California .

  2. 不久之后,海琳和戴安娜把三明治店改成了一家越南小餐馆。

    Soon afterwards , Helene and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant .

  3. 然而,当海琳和她的丈夫丹尼1975年离开他们在越南的家时,他们没有多少钱。

    However , when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975 , they didn 't have much money .

  4. 然而,海琳不希望女儿们总是在家族企业工作,因为她认为这太难了。

    However , Helene did not want her daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too hard .

  5. 要实现社会变革,支持某些事是比反对某些事更好的途径。——海琳盖尔

    Social change is better achieved by being for something than against something .

  6. 经济和政策研究中心的经济学家迪恩贝克和海琳乔根森在近期的研究中标注,到今年,数字下降到5%多一点。

    By this year , that figure has fallen to just over 5 percent , economists Dean Baker and Helene Jorgensen of the Center for Economic and Policy Research note in a recent study .