
  1. 论海湾型城市架构下的翔安新港区开发策略

    Development Strategy of Xiang'an New Port Area in the Frame of Bay-Type City

  2. 基于海湾型城市的泉州市区道路系统分析研究

    Analytical Research on the Road System of the Centre of the Bay City Quanzhou

  3. 海湾型城市建设用地扩展的时空动态特征及驱动力研究&以厦门市为例

    Spatiotemporal Dynamic Characteristics Driving Force of Built-up Land in Bay City Case Study in Xiamen

  4. 厦门海湾型城市林业生态重点工程建设探讨

    Approaching the Key Forestry Ecology Engineering Construction of Xiamen , the Gulf Type of City

  5. 最后,在城市可持续发展规划思想的指导下,结合厦门的实际和发展规划,提出以下建议:发挥地域优势,建设海湾型城市;

    At last , under the guidance of the thinking about urban sustainable development , gived some suggestions on Xiamen city planning .

  6. 论述了厦门市应当利用构建海湾型城市平台的契机,转变传统生产模式,打造产业生态链条,通过发展循环经济,建立循环型社会,走上可持续发展之路。

    The paper discusses that Xiamen city should construct a recycle society and develop on a sustainable developing way through translating the traditional economical mode , forming the eco industrial chain and developing recycle economy by the chance of constructing bay city .

  7. 选取我国典型的三个海湾型城市(青岛、厦门、泉州)作为实证分析的对象,利用综合评价方法得出三个城市的竞争力得分。

    This paper selects three of the most typical bay-type cities as the objects of empirical analysis ( namely Qingdao , Xiamen , Quanzhou ), gets the weight of each index by means of comprehensive evaluation method and the results of three cities .

  8. 随着厦门市海湾型城市这一战略目标的实施,厦门市环东海域综合整治工程是厦门市经济格局的重大调整,是一项集海域整治和岸线整治为一体的工程。

    With the strategic objective implementation of " Gulf-based city " of Xiamen City , the comprehensive treatment engineering in East Sea in Xiamen ( CTEESXM ), as a major readjustment of economic structure , is a whole works of sea improvement and shoreline remediation .

  9. 海湾型城市拥湾而立,具有区位和空间优势以及较高的资源环境承载力,通常为海岸带的区域中心城市,具有很强的辐射和区域带动作用。

    With the bay crowded , the bay-type city has the superiority of the location and space , as well as the higher carrying capacity of resources and environment , which is usually a regional center of the coastal areas , has a strong radiation and regional leading role .

  10. 当厦门正在加快海湾型城市建设,全面建设小康社会之际,有必要对厦门市社区老年体育活动的发展现状和存在问题进行探讨与分析。

    When the bay city Xiamen is speeding up its construction and moving towards a better-off society , it is needed to have an exploration and analysis of the status quo and existing problems of community sports for elders in Xiamen whose development is faced with both chances and challenges .

  11. 厦门空间形态战略规划为促进厦门市生态城市建设和生态环境保护,创建“海湾型生态城市”提供了科学依据,并对我国沿海城市的空间形态战略规划具有一定的参考意义。

    This strategic planning of the spatial development could serves as a scientific basis for the economical development , environmental protection and the foundation of " eco-city with a bay landform ", as well as a sound guideline for the ecological planning of Chinese costal cities .