
  1. 十点十六分,最终的消息传来,通知课程取消,建议校园中的所有人呆在原地、锁好屋门。

    At10:16 , a final message said classes were canceled and advised everyone on campus to stay where they were and lock their doors .

  2. 艾林说欧文在好莱屋会有大动作。

    Ellin says lrving is having a great run in hollywood .

  3. 但是我要在好莱屋开间片厂。

    But we 're gonna be running and gunning in hollywood .

  4. 我不想加入好莱屋,我也不想争吵。

    I don 't want to go to hollywood , and I don 't want to fight .

  5. 《泰坦尼克号》一直以来都是在中国播映的好莱屋电影的“票房冠军”。

    " Titanic " is the number one all time grossing Hollywood film ever to be featured in the country .

  6. 据布莱克说,《达芬奇密码》是曾在中国播映的票房收入最高的四部好莱屋电影之一。

    According to Blake , it was one of the top four grossing Hollywood films ever to be released in China .

  7. 电影和电视对美国文化没有准确的体现,经管好莱屋回告诉你。

    Movies and TV do not give a very accurate depiction of American culture , although Hollywood will tell you it is .

  8. 他说,同他的作品一样,好莱屋的电影通常都是描写一场旅行,主题就象古代希腊瞻森寻找金色羊毛的故事情节而展开。

    He says Hollywood screenplays like his often describe a journey , a theme that goes back as far as the ancient Greek story of Jason in search of the Golden Fleece .

  9. 先扫好了一屋,我们就不愁天下了。

    Good first sweep of a house , we had no worries about the world .

  10. 高妈走后,祥子锁好大门,回到屋中。

    When Gao Ma had left , he locked the front gate and returned to his room .

  11. 公司是金茂大厦、世博园、帝森克虏伯电梯、好孩子集团、屋企汤馆、绿地万豪酒店等的长期战略伙伴。

    Is the Jinmao Tower , World Expo , Dili Senke ThyssenKrupp Elevator , boy group , family survive Tom Hall , the green Marriott hotels and other long-term strategic partner .