
  • 网络naval communication
  1. 网络中心企业服务用于海军通信的探讨

    Discuss on Net-Centric Enterprise Services for NAVY Communication

  2. 21世纪海军通信展望

    Prospects for the twenty-first-century naval communications

  3. 图灵还前往海军通信部门,拜访了T·歌德,这个人是专门研究延迟线的。

    He did in fact make a visit to the Admiralty Signals Establishment to see T. Gold , who was working there on delay lines .

  4. 盟军海军通信的失败证明,蒙巴顿在战前建议使用机械密码设备是正确的,但当时却被海军拒绝了。

    In retrospect the failure of Allied naval communications vindicated the policy urged before the war by Mountbatten , and rejected by the Admiralty , that cipher machines should be employed .

  5. 美英海军通信非常杂乱,而且经常重复,看起来好像没有人知道一条信息应该发送几次、由谁来发送、用什么系统发送。

    USN-British Naval Communications were so complex , and often repetitious , that no-one seemed to know how many times a thing might not be sent and by whom - and in what systems .

  6. 3号营房负责翻译6号营房破解的陆军和空军通信,而海军通信则由弗兰克·伯奇领导的4号营房负责翻译。

    thus Hut 3 dealt with the army and air force material issuing from Hut 6 , while the naval signals , if and when any were produced , would be interpreted by Hut 4 , which was headed by Frank Birch .

  7. 1941年6月初,海军通信几乎可以实时破译了,以致他们抢在俾斯麦号之前扫清了先行进入大西洋的运输船,除掉了八艘中的七艘。

    As June 1941 opened , and the naval traffic was read currently , it was able to make an almost clean sweep of the supply ships sent into the Atlantic in advance of the Bismarck , disposing of seven out of the eight .

  8. 国外海军卫星通信的发展

    The Development of Satellite Communication for Foreign Navy

  9. 海军舰船通信系统改造的思考

    Ideas on improving communication system in naval vessels

  10. 本文主要分析介绍国外海军卫星通信技术的应用和发展。在概述基本情况的基础上,分别介绍了国外海军卫星通信的空间部分&通信卫星和舰载卫星通信终端;

    The paper describes and analyzes the applications and development of naval satellite communication technologies abroad .

  11. 美国海军潜艇通信支持系统

    U.S.Navy Submarine Communication Support System

  12. 简要介绍了国际上采用的几种数字集群系统标准,并根据海军勤务通信的实际出发,提出了海军数字集群通信系统的发展取向。

    This text introduces the brief one to several kinds of digital trunk system standards that is adopted in the world mainly , sets out according to navy reality , proposes navy digital trunk system development orientation .

  13. 这使1940年5月期间,政密学校能够解读上个月6天的海军谜机通信,因此增加了大量关于德国海军的加密方式的经验。

    It had enabled GC and CS to read during May 1940 the naval Enigma traffic for six days of the previous month , and thus to add considerably to its knowledge of the German Navy 's ( radio ) and cypher organisation .

  14. 本文针对目前海军舰艇视距通信存在的效率低、隐蔽性差等问题,采用现代计算机通信和无线激光技术,论证、设计了一种舰艇紫外光通信系统。

    Aiming at the problem of communication efficiency low and concealment low in the field of visual-distance communication on warships , it is adopted that modern communication and wireless laser technology , a kind of warship communication system of ultraviolet light had been expounded and designed .

  15. 然而这种机制并未一直存在,海军型谜机首先取消了这种机制:……1937年4月底,德国改变了海军的指示信号,于是他们只能解出4月30日到5月8日的海军通信,而且全是马后炮。

    It did not last . The naval Enigma was the first to be lost , and6 ... after the end of April 1937 , when the Germans changed the naval indicators , they had been able to read the naval traffic only for the period from 30 April to8 May 1937 , and that only retrospectively .