
  1. 矿业城市矿产资源可持续力比较评价

    A Comparative Evaluation of Degree of Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources for a Mining City

  2. 矿山城市矿产资源利用的环境负效应及其防治

    Negative effects of exploiting mineral resources in mining cities in Anhui Province and the prevention tactics

  3. 运用矿产资源需求生命周期理论,探讨油矿城市矿产资源开发与区域经济持续增长的耦合关系。

    The coupling relation of petroleum resources exploitation and regional economic sustainable development of mineral areas is discussed on the basis of the theory of resources requisite life-cycle .

  4. 探讨了矿业城市矿产资源耗竭、矿业城市消亡、城矿同步发展等规律;

    For example , the mining resources will exhaust , the mining city will die out , the development of the mining city and the mine will be synchro , etc.

  5. 针对资源城市矿产开采规模的扩大和交通货物运输量的日益增长,使得井工、露天矿区基础运输设施建设以及与之紧邻的城市交通建设和开采引起的公路沉陷灾害的矛盾越来越突出。

    Aiming at the extension of mineral mines scale and increase of the goods transportation , the contradiction between the construction of foundation facilities in mine area or the city with disaster of highway subsidence caused by underground mining and open pit mining is getting more and more outstanding .

  6. 本文重点讨论安徽省矿山城市固体矿产资源利用的生态环境负效应的类型、基本特征及成因,并初步提出其防治对策。

    The paper has laid stress on the type , basic feature and genesis of ecological environmental negative effects as making use of solid mineral resources in these mine cities of Anhui Province .

  7. 攀枝花市是我国西部重要的能源、原材料生产基地和资源开发型城市,矿产、水能和农业自然资源是其最具开发优势的资源。

    Panzhihua City was an important production base of energy and crude materials and a city of exploiting resources type . Minerals , hydropower and agricultural natural resources were three main natural resources with advantages .

  8. 因为攀枝花为工业城市,矿产是其主要特点,对于该区域的主要货物也就是几种主要的矿产的的产量以及煤炭消耗情况进行了预测,这些矿产也将成为铁路物流中心建成后的主要业务对象。

    Panzhihua is an industrial city . Mineral development is the main features . The main mineral of the production and coal consumption forecasts . These minerals will also be a business object after the completion of the railway logistics center .

  9. 矿业城市是因矿产资源开采而兴起或发展起来的城市,其生存和发展与矿产资源的开发关系非常密切。

    The development of mining-based economies of certain cities are closely dependent on the exploition of mineral resources .

  10. 淮南市是一个矿业城市,在矿产资源开发的同时对周围环境造成了一定的影响,其中土壤重金属污染比较严重是导致环境遭到破坏的重要原因之一。

    Huainan is a mining city , which brings about certain influence on the surrounding environment while developing the mineral resource , in which more serious heavy metal pollution in soil is one of the important reasons to lead to the destruction of the environment .

  11. 奥林匹克主办城市向来是从矿产公司购入金属。

    Olympic host cities have traditionally obtained the metal from mining firms .

  12. 本文结合资源型城市(抚顺)矿产资源、产业结构、资源能源消耗以及生态环境保护状况,论述了推进资源型矿业城市生态化转型的途径和对策。

    On the basis of the mineral resources , the industry structure , consuming of resources and the situation of ecologic environment , this paper discusses the approach and countermeasures to insist on the concept of scientific development and promote the progress of ecologic transformation .

  13. 矿产资源是矿业城市“立市”的基础,矿业城市往往因矿产资源枯竭而逐渐衰退。

    Mineral resource is the base of mining city , mining city will decline when resource is used up .