
  1. 2城区社区护士数在人口配置上其Gini系数分别为0.423和0.302,即整体公平状态市区外好与市区内。

    The Gini coefficients were separately 0.423 and 0.302 for nurse numbers based on the local population distribution in the 2 areas , which means the rural area outdid the urban area .

  2. 目的介绍石家庄市城区社区“康复协作网”社区康复工作模式。

    Objective To explore the model of community rehabilitation in urban communities .

  3. 某城区社区卫生服务与可持续发展探讨

    The sustainable style of community health development of some district

  4. 中心城区社区康复的探索与实践

    Explore the model of community rehabilitation in urban communities

  5. 武汉老城区社区环境更新探索

    The Research on Traditional Community Environment Development in Wuhan

  6. 黄石市城区社区卫生服务基本情况调查

    The Survey of City Community Health Service in Huangshi

  7. 大同市城区社区档案工作调查

    An Investigation of Community Archival Work in Datong City

  8. 上海市中心城区社区卫生服务中心中医药服务现状调查&附中心城区社区卫生服务中心一日门诊分析

    Status of Traditional Chinese Medicine Service in 11 Downtown Community Health Service Centers

  9. 关于上海城区社区卫生服务和社区药学服务发展的调研

    Investigation into the development of urban community health care and community pharmaceutical care in Shanghai

  10. 上海市中心城区社区老人生存质量调查与对比研究

    The investigation ani comparative study on life quality of the elderlys in down · town communities of Shanghai

  11. 南昌市城区社区居民生存质量现状及影响因素研究

    A Cross-section Study of Status and Influence Factors on Quality of Life of Urban Community Residents in Nanchang City

  12. 目的分析我市城区社区护理人力资源现状,为合理配置社区护理人力资源提出建议。

    Objective To analyze the current status of community nursing human resources and provide reference for nurse staffing of community nursing .

  13. 中心城区社区中医适宜技术应用政策的实践研究

    Study on Implementing Policies to Promote Application of Proper Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Community Health Service Centers in Urban Areas

  14. 结果(1)中心城区社区卫生服务中心家庭病床数远远高于郊区(县);

    Results ( 1 ) The number of family care bed in CHS centers of urban areas was higher than that in rural areas .

  15. 方法:对创办深圳城区社区健康服务中心示范点的工作进行总结分析,并对存在的问题进行探讨。

    Methods : The demonstration spots established for community health service center in Shenzhen were summarized and analysed , meanwhile , the problems existed were also studied .

  16. 第2章着重分析阐明处于上海中心城区社区经济的特点、功能作用和发展历程,突出对发展社区经济进行思考的意义。

    In order to stressing the significance of studying community economy , the chapter two puts great emphasis on analyzing the characteristics , effects and developing course .

  17. 目的:通过对上海城区社区卫生服务和社区药学服务的发展现状进行调研,探讨存在的问题,提出解决问题的建议。

    Objective : To explore the present problems and propose resolvents by investigation into the development of urban community health care ( CHC ) and community pharmaceutical care ( CPC ) in Shanghai .

  18. 结果广东省4城区社区卫生服务机构贯彻落实社区卫生服务方针政策情况总体较好,但政府给予必要投入、纳入城镇职工基本医疗保险、业务用房解决得当等方面存在差异。

    Results The community health service policies in four districts were carried out well , but some problems remained , such as the obvious difference of investment from government to community health service , urban health insurance system , and working conditions for medical staff among the services investigated .

  19. 预防控制艾滋病性病社区健康教育模式研究&四川省内江市城区示范社区组织运作参与模式

    Study on Community Health Education Models for AIDS / STD Prevention and Control

  20. 中心城区文明社区建设浅析

    The Construction of Civilized Communities in Central Urban Areas

  21. 从而为北京市加快旧城区的社区商业发展奠定了坚实的理论和实践基础。

    Thereby , it establish the firm theoretical and practical foundation for improving the community commerce of the old city .

  22. 第4章通过剖析上海三个中心城区发展社区经济的成功实例,从不同角度为稳步发展社区经济提出参考和建议。

    From different angles , the chapter four analyses on the successful development modes of the three areas in Shanghai center city .

  23. 运用行政生态学的研究方法,将园区的社区行政管理与老城区的社区行政管理作了对比研究。

    It also analyzes the differences between the community administrative management in Suzhou Industrial Park and the one in Suzhou downtown area according to the theory of administrative ecology .

  24. 结果表明:该城区的社区卫生服务患者满意度为76.5%,患者满意度的主要影响因素为年龄、服务态度、就诊环境、就诊费用、技术水平等因素。

    It is found that the patient 's satisfaction degree in the urban area was 76.5 % . The major influencing factors to the patient 's satisfaction degree are age , service attitude , medical environment , medical expense , technical level and so on .

  25. 广州城区老年人社区护理研究

    Research on the Old People Community Nursing in Guangzhou City

  26. 顺德城区不同类型社区商业规划设计研究

    Shunde City Different Type Community Business Planning Design Research

  27. 大都市城区跨界商业社区空间整合机制探讨

    A Discussion on Spatial Integration Mechanism of Crossing-boundaries Commercial Community in Urban Areas

  28. 目的探索梅州山区城区的老年社区健康保健的有效策略。

    Objective To explores the urban old community 's health care effective tactics of mountain area of Meizhou .

  29. 长沙市城区居民接受社区卫生服务的意愿及其影响因素的调查

    The study of willingness and effect factors of community health care service received by urban residents in Changsha city

  30. 方法采用结构式问卷调查的方法,调查中心城区11所社区卫生服务中心和郊区(县)10所社区卫生服务中心家庭病床开展情况。

    Methods The Structural questionnaire survey was used covering 11 CHS centers in urban areas and 10 CHS centers in rural areas to investigate the development situation of family care bed .