
  1. 作者负责此次开发中主控模块Main部分的设计和实现。

    The author takes charge of the design and code of Main module .

  2. X射线荧光光谱法测定稳定氧化锆中主、次量元素

    Determination of Primary and Subsidiary Elements in Steady Zirconia by X-ray Spectrofluorimetry

  3. HPLC法测定复方洗必泰漱口液中主药的含量

    Determination of the main components in co chlorhexidine gargle by HPLC

  4. HPLC法测定盐酸消旋山莨菪碱注射液中主药的含量

    Content Determination of Main Components in Racanisodamine Hydrochloride Injection by HPLC

  5. HPLC法测定维生素A棕榈酸酯原料药中主成分及有关物质含量

    Determination of the Content of Vitamin A Palmitate and Its Related Substances by HPLC

  6. 测定24种元素的检出限、准确度和精确度表明,X射线荧光光谱法适用于区域化探试样中主元素和微量元素的分析。

    The method is well suited for analysis of 24 major and trace elements in regional geochemical exploration samples .

  7. RP-HPLC法测定亚甲蓝微乳中主药的含量

    Content Determination of Main Components in Methylene Blue Microemulsions by RP-HPLC

  8. ICP-AES法测定高合金钢中主合金元素含量

    ICP-AES determination of main alloying elements in high alloy steels

  9. RP-HPLC法测定硼替佐米原料药中主药的含量

    Determination of Bortezomib in Its Crude Drug by RP-HPLC

  10. ICP-AES测定钕铁硼永磁合金中主量元素

    Determination of High Concentration Elements in Nd Fe B Permanent Magnetism Alloys by ICP-AES

  11. RP-HPLC法测定厄贝沙坦缓释胶囊中主药及有关物质的含量

    Content Determination of Main Components and Related Substances in Irbesartan Sustained-release Capsules by RP-HPLC

  12. 介绍了系统PLC主控制器I/O端口设计,系统硬件组成和系统软件中主程序及自动加工子程序设计;

    The I / O design of PLC controller , the hardware configuration and the main routine and auto-machining subroutine of software program are presented .

  13. RP-HPLC法测定乳酸左氧氟沙星氯化钠注射液中主药含量及有关物质

    Determination of Levofloxacin Lactate and Related Substances in Levofloxacin Lactate and Sodium Chloride Injection by RP-HPLC

  14. 白铜合金中主量元素之间基体效应与XRF光谱分析方法的研究

    Study on major elements matrix effect and its X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in white copper alloy

  15. 现介绍DCS系统中主系统与子系统的通讯问题&DCS串行接口的通讯界面、通讯方式、MODBUS通讯协议等。

    Now the communication between main system and subsystem in DCS-communication interface of DCS serial ports , communication methods , MODBUS communication agreement etc.

  16. 他主要关注操作性IT环境中主数据的同步和分发,尤其是与SAP应用程序系统交换主数据。

    The synchronization and distribution of master data into the operational IT environment is his focus area , particularly master data exchange with SAP application systems .

  17. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  18. 实验表明,适当选择刷镀液中主盐、亚磷酸、络合剂、pH值、纳米颗粒添加剂等诸因素,可得到最佳的沉积速度和刷镀层质量。

    The experiment shows that if the main salt inside the brush plating liquid and dispersing agent and pH worth and phosphorous acid and addition of nanometer particles and so on are appropriately chosen , the best results are harvested .

  19. 利用ICP-AES法测定硅铝钡合金中主元素,通过对溶样方法、溶样时间、元素分析谱线和背景校正扣除的综合分析优化了测定条件。

    ICP-AES was used for the determination of main elements in silicon-aluminium-barium alloy . Comprehensive study on method of sample dissolution time of relevant elements , background correction was made in detail .

  20. 用三维电子输运Monte-Carlo(MC)方法研究了双向四电子束泵浦KrF准分子激光器MOPA系统中主放大器(H1M)的能量沉积空间分布。

    The spatial profile of the energy deposition for the main amplifier ( H1M ) of a KrF laser MOPA system is presented by meams of 3D Monte Carlo method .

  21. TT-FPS调度器中主节点首先通过时间触发的方式发送同步消息,建立整个系统的统一时间基准,在接收到同步消息后,主/从节点各自均以事件触发的方式控制待传输消息发送任务的执行。

    In the TT-FPS scheduler , firstly , the master node should send synchronization message , which also introduces time-triggered mode , to set up the uniform clock benchmark in the system .

  22. 为探讨现代飞行器非对称流动中主涡的形成机理,利用染色线显示和荧光诱导激光片光技术,在北京航空航天大学1.2m水洞对细长体绕流过程进行了实验研究。

    To study the generation mechanism of asymmetric vortices flow over modern flight vehicle , the dynamical process of vortices flow around rocket-shaped cylinder was studied experimentally using streak and laser-induced fluorescence techniques in a 1.2-m water tunnel of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  23. 电离层斜向返回探测仪中主程序的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Host Program for Oblique Backscattering Ionosonde

  24. 测定苯扎溴铵消毒液中主药含量的新方法

    New method for determination of Benzalkonium bromide of the disinfectant solution

  25. 中主应力对砂土抗剪强度影响的分析

    Evaluation of effect of intermediate principal stress on sand shear strength

  26. 空间场的仿射变换中主平面的确定

    Determination of main plane in the affine transformation of space field

  27. 顺序提取法探讨沉积物中主量元素在不同相态的分配特征

    Distribution of major elements in sediment by sequential extraction procedures

  28. 中主应力对邓肯-张模型影响的真三轴试验研究

    True Triaxial Test of Medium Stress Influence on Duncan-Zhang Model

  29. 分子筛和担体中主含量元素和杂质元素的同时测定

    Simultaneous Determination of Main Content and Impurity Elements in Zeolites and Supports

  30. 薄层色谱中主斑点上方杂质斑点经鉴定为其对映异构体。

    The spot above the main spot was authenticated as its enantiomer .