
  • 网络Chinese Young Volunteers;China Young Volunteers
  1. 我国的志愿者自上世纪80年代民政部开展社区志愿服务、90年代成立中国青年志愿者协会以来,队伍日益庞大。

    Since the Ministry of Civil Affairs has carried out volunteer community service in the 1980s and the Chinese Young Volunteers Association established in the 1990s , Volunteers of our country were growing rapidly .

  2. 类似于美国和平组织的中国青年志愿者组织是一些人选择的一种方式。

    China 's youth volunteers corps , an effort similar to the United States ' Peace Corps , is a path that some choose .

  3. 在共青团中央的倡导组织下,发韧于1993年的中国青年志愿者行动已历经十余载。

    The youth volunteer 's activities in china have last over ten years since 1993 under the advocating and organization of the center department of the Communist Youth League .

  4. 十多年的中国青年志愿者事业的发展证明,参与志愿服务对当代青年的成才具有极大的促进作用。

    In the recent years , the development of Chinese Youth Volunteer service shows that participating in the volunteer service has great promoting effects on the growing of contemporary youth .

  5. 新的世纪,随着我国进入全面建设小康社会,加强推进社会主义现代化建设的新的发展阶段,中国青年志愿者行动更迎来了一个崭新的发展时期。

    In the new century , with china 's entry into a new stage of development characterized by the comprehensive building of a more comfortable society and further pushing the socialist modernization drive , the Chinese YVP is advancing into a brand-new stage of development .

  6. 正是在这种特定的社会背景下,在总结学雷锋活动和借鉴国外志愿者工作经验的基础上,共青团中央于1993年正式发起中国青年志愿者行动。

    Under this specific social context , the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League officially launched " Youth Voluntary Action in China " in 1993 on the basis of summarizing the experience of learn-from-Lei Feng activities and learning from the working experience of volunteers abroad .

  7. 介绍了志愿服务的涵义和起源,以及中国高校青年志愿者服务发展的概况。

    It introduces the meaning and origin of voluntary service , as well as the general situation of the development of volunteer services of Chinese university youth volunteers .

  8. “感动非洲的十位中国人”中唯一的女性是冯艾,她是首批中国援外青年志愿者赴埃塞俄比亚服务队队长。一位男士代冯艾领奖。

    The one woman among'Ten Chinese Who Deeply Moved the African People ' - Feng Ai , leader of the First Chinese Youth Volunteer Service & Aid Team for Ethiopia-sent a man to pick up her honor .