
  • 网络China Children's Center;CDCC
  1. 据中国妇女儿童发展中心以及中国人口学会所说,2012年,有12%的生育年龄女性无法生育,20年前这一数字仅为3%。

    According to the China Woman and Child Development Center and the China Population Association , in 2012 some 12 percent of women of child-bearing age were infertile , while the two decades earlier the figure was only at 3 percent .

  2. 上周四,中国儿童福利和收养中心否认收到了美国同性恋夫妇的领养申请。

    China Centre for Children 's Welfare and Adoption denied on Thursday having received an adoption application from a US gay couple .

  3. 中国儿童福利和收养中心的一名工作人员在接受环球时报采访时表示,他们只是在读过了梅利莎·卡斯特罗·怀亚特发表在华盛顿邮报上的文章,才了解到她的申请违反了中国的收养规定。

    An employee from China Centre for Children 's Welfare and Adoption told the Global Times that they only found out about Melissa Castro Wyatt 's case after reading her article on how her application is against China 's adoption rules on The Washington Post .