
  • 网络china team;Team China
  1. 今天中国之队的失败非常令人沮丧。

    It was a tough race to lose for China team .

  2. 当我们向她建议担任中国之队形象大使的时候,她欣然答应了。

    When we proposed to her to be the ambassador of China team , she jumped at the chance !

  3. 市场化运作对美洲杯帆船赛中国之队的影响

    Influence of Marketization Operation on the Chinese Team for the America 's Cup

  4. 中国之队败给了船速更快的新西兰队。

    El Desafio and team shosholoza defeat China team .

  5. 这个演唱会将以介绍中国之队为主题,并将通过有线电视转播到中国的千家万户。

    The concert will present the team and will be broadcast by cable TV to millions of Chinese homes .

  6. 从这个角度来说,中国之队经常在中国和法国组织美洲杯晚会。

    With this in mind , the China team business club regularly organises america 's cup evenings , both in France and in china .

  7. “中国之队”赛事的收视率和现场观众人数在全国单项体育比赛范围内位居首位。

    The television coverage rating and the on-site audience for the " Team China " competitions lie in the first place amongst all sports competitions in China .

  8. 又是被变幻无常的风向干扰的一天,在和德国挑战者的一场激烈的争夺后,中国之队空手而归。

    At the end of a day once again upset by fickle winds , China team enters port with a null result , after a super Regatta against the German challenger .

  9. 晚会上中国之队的水手和形象大使李昕代表中国之队被授予年度最具风格体育团队奖。

    At this event , Xin li , the woman ambassador for the China team , who along with the Chinese sailors received the " sport " award and a handsome trophy .

  10. 在6月30日举办的机器人足球世界杯决赛上,荷兰机器人不敌中国“水之队”。

    In the Robot World Cup Soccer final on June 30th the Dutch robots weren 't up against the Chinese team " Water " from Beijing .

  11. 我们渴求与我们一样向往蓝天的同类,共建中国广告梦之队,携手把梦想做大。

    It was similar that we craved for and yearned for the blue sky like us , build together advertising Dream Team of China , do dreaming of big hand in hand .

  12. 这是中国跳水“梦之队”在本届奥运会上取得的第五块金牌。

    It is the fifth gold the Chinese " dream team " snatched at the Beijing Olympics .