
  1. 我还希望能看到更多的被国际认可的演出,但是我真的不认为我们能看到一个中国乐队成为世界上公认的顶级乐队那一天。

    I 'd also like to see the scene get more recognition internationally , as well , but I honestly don 't ever think we 'll see the day when a Chinese band is recognized as the top band in the world .

  2. 中国的乐队传统上包括拉弦乐器,木管乐器,弹拨乐器及打击乐器。

    Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings , woodwinds , plucked strings and percussion .

  3. 杨海崧说,中国多数乐队都不指望音乐能赚钱。

    Mr. Yang said most bands in China don 't expect they can turn a buck on their tunes .

  4. 可以说,20世纪上半叶中国管弦乐队的发展是在艰难而曲折的环境中摸索前进。

    Obviously ; the 20th century , the development of Chinese orchestra is in a difficult and tortuous environment to find their way .

  5. 扬琴不仅是中国民族乐队中主要乐器之一,而且还是中西混合乐队中的常用乐器。

    The dulcimer is not only one kind of the main musical instruments played in the Chinese folk band but also the instrument frequently used in bands of the Chinese music mixed with the western music .

  6. 我下榻上海四季酒店(ShanghaiFourSeasons),当晚在顶层的酒吧里喝了杯酒,一边俯看周围灯光绚丽多彩的摩天大楼,一边倾听一支中国摇滚翻唱乐队的演奏。

    I stayed at the Shanghai four seasons , where I had a drink that night in the top-floor bar overlooking colorfully lit skyscrapers and listening to a Chinese rock-and-roll cover band .

  7. 实际上Woodie过去曾和某支流行乐队的多数成员有过定期合作,但当后者成立这支乐队时,他们明确表示如果没有中国人在内乐队会磨合得更好。

    In fact , Woodie used to play regularly with most of the current members of a popular band , but when they formed this group they made it clear that they felt they could get better gigs if they had no Chinese members .

  8. 文化的嫁接&中国民族管弦乐队历史成因新探

    Culture Grafting : Historical Cause Explore of Chinese National Orchestra

  9. 伟大而独一无二的中国民谣金属乐队。

    Great and unique Folk Metal from China .

  10. 于1999年建立,以北京为基地的乐队宣称成立第一支中国女子打击乐乐队。

    Founded in1999 , the Beijing-based band claims to be the first Chinese female percussion band .

  11. 我相信你会在更多的中国黑金属乐队中找到这个问题的答案。

    You will find the answer to this question among the further Chinese black metal bands , I believe .

  12. 你对中国的摇滚乐队了解么?如果有机会,他们中的某一个可能成为你的巡演嘉宾么?

    How do u like Chinese local bands and any reference ? Could one of them became ur guest band several years later ?

  13. 他已经在与中国领先的管弦乐队合作表演协奏曲剧目。

    He is already performing the concerto repertory with China 's leading orchestras .

  14. 北京有非常多的乐队,其中不乏很多都是现在中国的核心摇滚乐队。

    There is such a big pool of bands that it 's also where you can find the most solid bands in China .

  15. 使用一种或几种中国乐器与管弦乐队搭配进行创作是近些年来乐坛十分流行的音乐体裁形式。

    Using symphony orchestra associated with one or several Chinese instruments is a very popular music combination for music composition in these years .

  16. 去年六月,百度雇佣了郭怡广,他是互联网权威人士,中国90年代重金属乐队唐朝的吉他手。百度任命他担任国际联络主管。

    This past June , Baidu hired Kaiser Kuo , an Internet pundit and former guitarist of the '90s Chinese metal band Tang Dynasty , to fill the new position of director of international communications .

  17. 介绍了中国民族管弦乐的特点、存在的问题,以及中国民族管弦乐队中主要民族乐器的改革情况。

    This paper introduces Chinese national orchestra 's characters , existing problems , and the reforms of main instruments in Chinese national orchestra .

  18. BEYOND在中国乐坛上可以说是一个奇迹,BEYOND的音乐至今对中国组乐队的后辈影响都非常大!

    BEYOND music in China can be said to be a miracle , BEYOND music group the band has been on the younger generation in China is very big impact !