
  1. C卡莱:真的啊!你什麽时候和他说话的?

    Carla : > Really ! When did you speak with him ?

  2. C卡莱:他为什麽想卖掉农场?

    Carla : > Why is he selling his farm ?

  3. 若比。卡莱在他的船上睡觉。

    Jobic Callec was sleep in his boat .

  4. 杨。卡莱死的时候我正和他一起住在他的小木屋里。

    When Yan Callec died I was living with him in his little hut .

  5. 不过,卡莱,比起你,我更相信我的家人。

    Nevertheless , karai , I trust my family more than I trust you .

  6. 预计风暴莱斯利不会给当地带来大的影响。官方人员表示北卡莱罗纳州林肯县的火灾已经烧毁32公顷土地。

    Officials say scars of wildfire in North California 's Lincoln county has burnt 32 hectares .

  7. 杨。卡莱叫它阿曼因为船被开到了阿曼海角的岩石上。

    Callec called him Ar-men because the ship was driven on to the rocks at Cape Ar-men .

  8. 水的运动摇着若比。卡莱的船,但男孩继续睡觉。

    The movement of the water shook Jobic Callec 's boat , but the boy went on sleeping .

  9. 本月早些时候,我去了美国北卡莱罗纳州一个多山的地方探访亲友。

    Earlier this month , I visited a hilly corner of North Carolina to spend time with family friends .

  10. “端对端”解决方案是卡莱互连的目标――省去多余的步骤,从而加快优质产品到达客户的速度。

    The end-to-end solution is our goal at Carlisle Interconnect Technologies-eliminating extra steps while speeding quality products to our customers .

  11. 北卡莱罗纳州东部一名消防志愿者称,龙卷风造成的损失“一显无遗”。

    A volunteer fireman in eastern North Carolina says damage from a tornado is " just as bad as it gets " .

  12. 迈阿密(美联社)-气象预报员报道随着飓风艾琳袭向北卡莱罗纳州东南部,速度已稍微减缓。

    MIAMI ( AP ) & Forecasters say Hurricane Irene has slowed down ever so slightly as it slogs toward the southeastern state of North Carolina .

  13. 民调显示印第安纳的形势非常激烈,奥巴马在北卡莱罗纳州两位数的领先优势降到了一位数。

    Polls show a very tight race in Indiana , and that Senator Obama 's comfortable two-digit lead in the polls in North Carolina has dwindled down to single digits .

  14. 纽约蒙特卡莱的皮肤病学家道妮说:“事实上,皮肤颜色的变化如老年斑和色素不均衡可能让女人看上去比实际年龄老十岁。”

    In fact , " discolorations , like age spots and uneven pigmentation , can make women look at least 10 years older than they are , " says Downie , the Montclair , N.J. , dermatologist .