
  • 网络Capetian;Capet
  1. 总部位于明尼苏达州的卡佩拉大学(capellauniversity)只提供在线课程,过去12个月里,其入学人数增加了18%。

    At Capella University , which has its headquarters in Minnesota and offers solely an online curriculum , enrolment has risen by 18 per cent over the past 12 months .

  2. 马里奥?卡佩基是美国犹他州的科学家。

    Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah .

  3. 警方怀疑,这张床是供卡佩莱斯个人使用。

    Police suspect it was intended for the personal use of Mr Karpel è s.

  4. 卡佩拉那场比赛11投3中,得了15分,他大部分的得分都是来自于哈登的传球。

    Capela shot 3-of-11 for 15 points , many of his points coming off Harden passes .

  5. 但是你可以找西西里岛的恩佐•卡佩齐,或者问问洛杉矶的麦考雷我为他做的事。

    But you can call Enzo Capizzi in Sicily , or you can check up on the work I did for Mccauley 's crew in L.A.

  6. 知情人士称,警方将在今天发出新的逮捕令,以侵吞公款罪名逮捕卡佩莱斯——这将使调查人员再获得3周时间对其进行审问。

    People close to the matter said police would today issue a fresh warrant for Mr Karpel è s 's arrest on the charge of embezzlement - a change that grants investigators a further three weeks to interrogate him .

  7. 上个赛季,在最快进步球员的评选中卡佩拉仅此于步行者队的奥拉迪波排名第二,场均盖帽排在联盟第二,场均8个篮板,防守效率联盟第六,42次两双联盟第八。

    Capela finished second behind the Pacers ' Victor Oladipo in voting for the NBA 's Most Improved Player this past season . He was second in the league in blocks per game , eighth in rebounds per game and sixth in defensive win shares ( 4.1 ) . His 42 double-doubles were eighth most in the league .