
qiè luó
  • eagle wood
  1. Gs伽罗佤扩张

    The GS - galois extensions

  2. 14世纪到17世纪,毗奢耶那伽罗王朝执政,其权利延伸到印度次大陆大部分地区。

    This empire held power in the 14th to 17th centuries and covered much of the Indian subcontinent .

  3. 除了名色外并没有单独存在的众生或补特伽罗,我或他人,男人或女人。

    But apart from that dual process there is no separate person or being , I or another , man or woman .

  4. 公元1565年,毗奢耶那伽罗王朝遭遇滑铁卢,兵败穆斯林军,此城被付诸一炬。

    With the major defeat of its army in 1565 AD at the hands of the Muslims , the city was abandoned and burned to the ground .

  5. 像本周其他爬上开往贾夫纳的汽车的人一样,程德先生对于连接南部僧伽罗和北部泰米尔的联系正在加强而感到高兴。

    Like others clambering on the Jaffna bus this week , Mr Chandran was happy that mobility between the mainly Sinhalese south and the mostly Tamil north is increasing .

  6. 10.毗奢耶那伽罗王朝(Vijayanagara)“胜利城”毗奢耶那伽罗城(“胜利城”),坐落于印度南部,是毗奢耶那伽罗王朝的首都。

    The city of Vijayanagara ( " the city of victory " ) , located in Southern India , was the capital of an empire by the same name .