
qié lán
  • temple;samghrma
伽蓝 [qié lán]
  • [梵samghrma] 梵语僧加蓝摩的略称,意译众园或僧院。佛教寺院的通称

  • 我不如走到伽蓝殿中,问个终生的吉凶。--《英烈传》

伽蓝[qié lán]
  1. 伽蓝之内,花果蔚茂,芳草蔓合。

    In the temple , the flower and the grass all blossom .

  2. 《洛阳伽蓝记》中的双音节虚词研究

    The Study of Disyllabic Words in Temples and Monasteries in Luoyang

  3. 《洛阳伽蓝记》双音新词研究

    On study of double tone neologism in Notes to Luoyang Buddist Temple

  4. 《洛阳伽蓝记》词汇研究

    Researches on the Vocabulary System in Memories of Lo-yang

  5. 《洛阳伽蓝记》的结果补语

    Resultant Complements in Record of Buddhist Temples in Luoyang

  6. 致使那些得以入寺观看的人都以为进了天堂(见《洛阳伽蓝记》)。

    That the audience all thought they were brought into the nirvana ( See the Records of Qielan at Luoyang ) .

  7. 从《洛阳伽蓝记》论北魏洛阳城市佛寺园林

    Study on the City Temples and Gardens of Luoyang in the Northern Wei in Terms of Records of the Temples of Luoyang

  8. 龙华寺殿宇齐整,宋代佛教禅宗的伽蓝七堂制保持原貌,并珍藏有唐、五代、明、清年间的经书、金印、佛像等。

    Many Buddhist scriptures , gold seals and statues from the Tang Dynasty , the Five Dynasties , the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are housed in a hall built in the Song Dynasty .

  9. 接着在分析叙事视角时,发现《洛阳伽蓝记》一书中限知视角运用得十分娴熟,叙述的文字连贯、严密,已经达到了很高的水平。

    After the analysis of narrative perspective , we found that the author was skillful in using the limited perspective . His description was coherent and rigorous , which had reached a very high level .

  10. 《洛阳伽蓝记》一书以洛阳寺院为纲展开,分别对城内、城东、城南、城西、城北进行叙述。

    The book of " Luoyang Buddhist Temple " takes the Monasteries of Luoyang as the key link to start the narrative on the city , which include the east , south , west and the north .

  11. 《洛阳伽蓝记》是一本以记录北魏京城洛阳伽蓝为主,兼涉北魏政治、经济、文化、风俗、历史以及轶事奇闻的散文著作。

    The Record of Buddhist Temples in Luoyang is a prose work , which mainly describes the Buddhist temples in Northern Wei capital Luoyang , meanwhile records the anecdotes related to politics , economy , culture , custom and history at that time .

  12. 通过研究《洛阳伽蓝记》一书的双音新词,指出了《汉语大词典》存在的三个问题:释义不确,释义与书证不合;

    This paper , by studying the new words with double sound in Notes to Luoyang Buddhist Temple , points out the three questions existing in An Unabridged Chinese Dictionary : The annotations are inaccurate , which do not conform with the documentary evidence ;