
dān kǒnɡ
  • Single hole;with one hole
  1. 单孔法剪切波速度测试的一维CT解释

    Interpretation of one-dimensional CT of shear wave velocity testing by single hole method

  2. 单孔同位素示踪测试S~Q曲线研究

    Study of s ~ q curve by isotope tracing test from single borehole

  3. 介绍了单孔法PS测井的原理极其相应的数据处理方法。

    The principles and data processing means of single well PS-wave logging method are described on the paper .

  4. 通过在煤矿巷道松动圈震波测试的应用实例,说明了单孔检层与跨孔CT方法是一种有效的围岩松动圈测试方法。

    Through applied examples and effects in mine roadway , it 's proved that one-bore and two-bores CT method are an effective method in broken zone detecting .

  5. 单孔气泡动力学行为的VOF数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Single Orifice Gas Bubble Motion Behavior with Volume of Fluid Method

  6. 长206米、1970年通车的单孔大桥阿苏大桥(GreatAsoBridge)崩塌,坠入了下方黑川(BlackRiver)深邃的峡谷中,此次地震的破坏力可见一斑。

    In a graphic illustration of the earthquake 's power , the Great Aso Bridge - a single span of 206m opened in 1970 - collapsed into the ravine of the Black River below .

  7. 分析了U形管管径、单孔内U形管数量及热泵机组设计进水温度对换热器换热效果的影响。

    Analyses the effect of U-tube diameter , tube quantity in each hole , and the design inlet water temperature of a heat pump unit on the heat exchange capability .

  8. 根据CCD照相机捕获的喷雾图像,分析了单孔直喷式柴油喷嘴形成的二甲醚闪急沸腾喷雾的结构及其发展过程。

    According to the spray images captured by CCD camera , the spray structure and developing process of DME flash boiling spray formed by a single-hole D.I. diesel injector are analyzed .

  9. 应用Lee氏双孔模型处理吸附动力学数据,关联数据的平均误差是单孔模型的1/3。

    A bi porous model was used for correlating the kinetics data , the error of this method was only 1 / 3 of that of single porous model .

  10. 通过对单孔超塑性和四层板夹层结构SPF/DB成形的数值模型分析,得到了数值模拟下的优化载荷控制曲线、成形质量和成形厚度分布。

    Both single-hole SPF / DB and four-layer SPF / DB were analyzed , the P-t curve , forming result and thickness distribution were derived from each of them .

  11. 在ECR高密度等离子体源的基础上设计加工了多孔和单孔离子源,对离子源的离子通量作了初步的估算。

    On the base of the high density ECR plasma source , we design multi-holes and single-hole ion sources and preliminary measure the ion flux .

  12. 每个试件的孔洞个数和贯通钢筋个数以及试件尺寸等对PBL键单孔承载力也有影响;

    The number of holes and perforated rebar , the size of each test samples also have influence on the single ultimate bearing capacity of PBL shear connectors to some extent ;

  13. 水平转体法架设单孔100.8m钢桁梁

    Level swing method in erection of 100.8 m single-span steel trussed girder

  14. DDJ铸铝母线单孔&多孔两用钻床设计概述

    Outline to the Design of Convertible Drilling Machine for DDJ Cast Aluminum Bus Bar with Single and Multi Hole

  15. 论述了直喷式柴油机典型燃烧系统的特点,对DI型小缸径柴油机单孔直喷式燃烧系统中燃油喷式方向对柴油机性能的影响进行的研究。

    Characteristics of typical combustion system of direct injection diesel engine are dealt with experiments and study are made on effects of fuel injection direction upon a new-model single - nozzle direct injecting diesel engine which has smaller diameter cylinder .

  16. 目前采用的气流发声器有Hartmann哨、旋涡哨、喷注边棱哨(簧片哨)、单孔喷注旋转阀和多孔喷注旋转阀等等。

    The air current sound generators at present include the Hartmann whistle , vortex whistle , jet-edge whistle ( resonant wedge whistle ), single-hole jet rotary valve , multi-hole jet rotary valve , and so on .

  17. 取出SILS单孔多通道平台,一并将右侧输尿管及拟行造口的小肠输出袢带出。

    After the SILS port was removed , the right ureter and the small intestine for the stoma were pulled out of the peritoneal cavity .

  18. 深孔爆破引起的岩体层裂范围最大,当单孔装药量5~40kg时,其值可达7.36~14.73m。

    The lamination range resulting from a deep-hole blasting is greatest . When the charge of a blast hole is 5 ~ 40 kg , the lamination range reaches 7.36-14.73 m.

  19. 位于大渡河流域中游峡谷地段的大岗山水电站也遇到了类似的工程问题,左岸(EL1135-1040m)已开挖建基面上声波检测异常,单孔声波波速偏低。

    Located in the middle of the canyon area in DaDu River DaGang Mountain power station also meet similar engineering problems , left the foundation surface ( EL1135-1040m ) acoustic detection already excavation single-drillhole acoustic wave abnormity is low .

  20. 单孔顺序起爆在东山采场的应用

    Application of Sequence Blasting of Single Hole in Dongshan Mine Stope

  21. 筛板塔中单孔鼓泡气泡团的研究

    Study on bubble group for single hole in sieve plate column

  22. 钢绞线预应力筋用齿合型单孔开口锚具的设计与试验研究

    Design and test of dentate opening anchorage for single-strand prestressed tendons

  23. 经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除46例体会

    Experience of Single Umbilical Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Applying in 46 Cases

  24. 气液两相单孔鼓泡过程的混沌分析

    Chaos bubbling in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Bubble Column with a single orifice

  25. 本研究使用单孔板、多孔板、烧结金属板三种气体分布器类型。

    Three types of gas distributor were used in this study .

  26. 侧向土压力对单孔水闸稳定性的影响分析

    Effect of Side Slope Pressure on Stabilization of a Single-Chamber Sluice

  27. 单孔腹腔镜手术:内镜手术的新进展

    Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery , The New Evolution of Endoscopic Surgery

  28. 筒体、集箱和成型封头单孔补强介绍

    Introduction of Single Openings Compensation for Shell Header and Formed Head

  29. 多孔爆破振动强度的单孔波形叠加计算

    Single-hole Waveform Superimposed Calculation of The Vibration Strength of Multi-hole Blasting

  30. 完全经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术30例临床应用分析

    Clinical analysis of totally transumbilical single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 30 patients