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  1. 曹魏缪袭鼓吹曲辞创作时间考辨

    An archaeological study of the time the creation of military odes by Miao Xi of Wei

  2. 鼓吹曲被广泛应用于朝会、道路、给赐及娱乐宴饮等方面。

    Advocating song is widely used in North Korea will , roads , to give and entertainment feast and so on .

  3. 东汉末年,黄门职官被罢,黄门鼓吹之名渐渐淡化,鼓吹曲也多有失传。

    Eastern Han Dynasty , yellow door Officials were dismissed , yellow door preaching in the name of gradually diluted , advocating song also made many lost .