
gǔ wǔ shì qì
  • Boost morale;enhance troop morale;encourage soldiers to keep up high morale
鼓舞士气[gǔ wǔ shì qì]
  1. PepTalk鼓励的话定义:(名词)旨在激励某人的简短讨论。中场休息时,教练给队员们讲了一些鼓舞士气的话。

    Definition : ( noun ) a short discussion intended to motivate someone The coach gave the players a pep talk during halftime .

  2. 党的新闻舆论工作的职责和使命是:高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界。

    The mission of the Party 's media work is to hold high the banner , provide guidance for the public , focus on the core issues , serve the country 's overall interests , unite the general public , instill confidence and pool strength , tell right from wrong and connect China to the world .

  3. 你是过来给我鼓舞士气了。

    You came in here to give me a pep talk .

  4. 大多数政客在就职时会试图说一些鼓舞士气的话。

    Most politicians try to say something uplifting when they take office .

  5. 海军上将在海员面前做了一个鼓舞士气的讲话。

    The admiral made an invigorating speech before the sailors .

  6. 运动员经常击掌鼓舞士气。

    Sports players often clap their hands to cheer each other up .

  7. ·热心采用代码覆盖率,认为只有那些简单的数字可以鼓舞士气。

    Embracing code coverage with the devotion that only simple numbers can inspire .

  8. 愈久愈强是一句鼓舞士气的口号。

    Stronger for longer was the rallying cry .

  9. 演奏爱国乐曲以鼓舞士气;

    Played patriotic music to animate the troops ;

  10. 他挥舞帽子,鼓舞士气。

    He waved his cap for their encouragement .

  11. 管理者们必须认识到,让员工参与解决问题可以鼓舞士气。

    Managers must recognize that getting employees involved in the solution boost morale ③ .

  12. 运动队在大赛当天早晨听了一次鼓舞士气的讲话

    The team be give a pep talk on the morning of the big match

  13. 而且比赛前一天集体进行反叛活动有助于鼓舞士气

    And besides , a rebellious group activity the day before competition is good for morale

  14. 官兵友爱,鼓舞士气。

    A cordial officer-and-men relation boosts morale .

  15. 通过招聘,培训,留用员工和绩效管理鼓舞士气,提高产能。

    Improve productivity and motivation through staff recruiting , training , retention , and performance management .

  16. 这利于全体员工明确方向,增强员工凝聚力,并鼓舞士气。

    This approach creates a sense of direction , generates staff cohesion , and enhances morale .

  17. 一边挥舞着红旗,一边唱着鼓舞士气的歌曲,士兵们继续手中的工作:挖坟墓。

    The soldiers get on with the job , carrying red flags and singing to maintain morale .

  18. 这也许并不是个鼓舞士气的环境。

    This was probably just as well , for the context was not exactly an encouraging one .

  19. 可是,我的兄弟,助理教练,喜欢这个孩子,总给他做鼓舞士气的讲话。

    But my brother , the assistant coach , liked the kid and always gave him pep talks .

  20. 努力使事情看上去好像你知道你们在做什么,这样可以鼓舞士气。

    Boost morale by making an effort to make it look like you know what you 're doing .

  21. 在目前美国许多家庭的经济状况不稳定的情况下,这是奥巴马总统发出的一番鼓舞士气的讲话。

    It was a presidential pep talk delivered at a time of economic uncertainty for many American families .

  22. 思想政治工作是统一意志、凝聚人心、鼓舞士气的有效手段。

    Ideological and political work is the effective means to unify wills , condense popular feelings and inspire morale .

  23. 拳击比赛开始时,拳击选手对着对手大声吼叫,给自己鼓舞士气。

    At the start of the boxing match , the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on .

  24. 纽约巨人队的粉丝习惯边喝含糖饮料边鼓舞士气。

    New York City fans of giant cups full of sugary soft drinks can continue to feed their cravings .

  25. 我不会烤东西,但坐着与鼓舞士气很在行,只要能有酒喝就行了。

    I can 't bake , but I can sit and lift the spirits as long as there are spirits .

  26. 错误示例:这个组织的运作目标包括鼓舞士气和提高工作满意度。

    Wrong : The operational goals of this organization include an increase in morale as well as overall job satisfaction .

  27. 这些举措对于保证战时军队的动员、征集和鼓舞士气起到重要的作用。

    These measures played an important role in the wartime mobilization and draft of the army and enhancing troop morale .

  28. 队长能够在比赛的艰难时刻鼓舞士气,并且始终保持积极的态度。

    They should be quite capable of promoting team spirit when times get touch , and always possess a positive attitude .

  29. 队员们穿上鲜红色的格兰芬多队服,然后坐下来听伍德按照惯例给他们作赛前鼓舞士气的讲话。

    The team pulled on their scarlet Gryffindor robes , then sat down to listen to Wood 's usual pre-match pep talk .

  30. 鼓舞士气低落的员工有一种最简单和成本最低的方法,那就是告诉他们:他们正在做一项伟大的工作。

    The easiest and cheapest way of cheering up demoralised workers is to tell them that they are doing a great job .