
gǔ shǒu
  • drummer;tympanist
鼓手 [gǔ shǒu]
  • (1) [drummer]∶击鼓的人

  • (2) [tympanist]∶特指管弦乐队中的定音鼓手

鼓手[gǔ shǒu]
  1. 这位乐队鼓手是他们最近一次活动的策划人。

    The band 's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture .

  2. 他曾是一个摇滚乐团的鼓手。

    He was a drummer in a rock band

  3. 一名临时顶替的鼓手使劲敲着一根响弦和一对铙钹。

    A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals .

  4. 比如说,他是大学里Speed金属乐队的鼓手。

    For example , he was the drummer of a speed metal band in college .

  5. 不等音乐放到《小鼓手》(TheLittleDrummerBoy),他们就来了。

    Before " The Little Drummer Boy " begins to play , they arrive .

  6. 商品介绍SOLAR镲片为未来的专业鼓手带来高素质的黄铜系列镲片,是初学者也可以演奏出美妙的声音。

    Product description SOLAR cymbals drummer for the future to bring high-quality professional brass series cymbals , a beginner can play a wonderful voice .

  7. 这位来自世界著名摇滚乐队TheGratefulDead的鼓手正试图游玩一款使用外设电子鼓的电脑游戏。

    The drummer for the world-famous rock group The Grateful Dead is trying to navigate through a computer game using a set of electronic drums .

  8. “格林戈•斯塔尔”(GringoStar,仿林戈•斯塔尔(RingoStarr))的法国鼓手格雷格•德比夸(GregDesbuquois)。

    and Frenchman Greg Desbuquois , who drums as Gringo Star .

  9. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  10. 黑键乐队的鼓手PatrickCarney和他的叔叔RalphCarney共同打造了这部电视剧的主要主题。

    The Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney developed the series ' main theme with his uncle Ralph Carney .

  11. 一年前,DJAM去年9月与鼓手TravisBarker在南加州遇上坠机意外,但是幸免于难。

    Almost a year ago , he d a plane crash with Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker .

  12. 上了大学以后我和鼓手又是大学同学,Bass手和另外一位吉他手老王是大学同学。

    After starting college , I was at the same university as the drummer while our bassist and the other guitar player were at another university .

  13. 他的作曲中有纯粹的神秘,由乔伊·马丁(JoeMartin)担任贝斯手,马库斯·基尔默(MarcusGilmore)担任鼓手的节奏组亦是一丝不苟。

    There 's dry intrigue in his compositions , and supple exactitude in his rhythm team : Joe Martin on bass , Marcus Gilmore on drums .

  14. 用以制表的汽车零件往往是车主捐献的——平克·弗洛伊德(PinkFloyd)乐队的鼓手尼克·马森(NickMason)捐献的一辆法拉利(Ferrari)250GTO就被用于打造奢华腕表。

    The parts are often donated by owners -- material from a Ferrari 250 GTO owned by Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason was turned into luxury watches .

  15. 焰火照亮的夜空之下,600多名身着鲜红服装的鼓手填满了水立方和鸟巢之间的广场。这是上周在北京举行的亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)峰会欢迎各国领导人的仪式。

    Under a sky ablaze with fireworks , more than 600 drummers decked out in brilliant red filled the square between the Water Cube and Bird 's Nest stadiums in Beijing last week to welcome leaders to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting .

  16. 在科比布莱恩特的纪录片“Muse”中,凯文发现了科比对电影《爆裂鼓手》的喜爱。

    It was in Kobe Bryant 's documentary , " Muse , " where Irving discovered Bryant 's love for the movie " Whiplash . "

  17. Dana是我所在乐队的鼓手,常常带一个小袋子装他的隐形眼睛药水和隐形镜片盒。

    Dana , the drummer for the band I was in , used to carry a small bag for his contact-lens solution and lens case .

  18. 雅库布·艾迪(YacubAddy)是来自加纳加族(Ga)的著名鼓手,1982年创立加纳音乐表演团体欧达达(Odadaa)。

    Yacub Addy is a renowned drummer from the Ga ethnic group in Ghana and created the Ghanaian music performance group Odadaa in1982 .

  19. 最佳男配角:罗伯特·杜瓦尔(RobertDuvall),《法官》(TheJudge);伊森·霍克(EthanHawke),《少年时代》;爱德华·诺顿,《鸟人》;马克·拉法罗(MarkRuffalo),《狐狸猎手》;J·K·西蒙斯,《爆裂鼓手》

    Best Supporting ActorRobert Duvall , " The Judge " Ethan Hawke , " Boyhood " Edward Norton , " Birdman " Mark Ruffalo , " Foxcatcher " J.K. Simmons , " Whiplash "

  20. 那年元旦,披头士乐队(当时的鼓手是彼德·贝斯特PeteBest,乐队自称为SliverBeatles)在迪卡唱片试音,当时制作人是TonyMeehan。

    On New Year 's Day that year , The Beatles - though at that time Pete Best was their drummer and they called themselves the Silver Beatles -- auditioned for Decca Records producer Tony Meehan .

  21. 定下首次小型演唱会日程时,他们才发现乐队缺一名鼓手,于是Clifford在Facebook上找到了好友AshtonIrwin,告诉他自己的乐队将有一场超过200人的演唱会。

    After booking their first gig , they realized they needed a drummer . So Clifford reached out to his friend Ashton Irwin , 19 , on Facebook and said they 'd be playing to more than 200 people .

  22. 清明节,用户们涌向这家网站,敬献成千上万的虚拟祭品,这些祭品从GIF格式的白荷花、到身穿白衣的鼓手、再到逝者生前最喜欢的食物,可谓应有尽有。

    For Qing Ming , users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes , spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones ' favorite foods .

  23. 安德鲁不知道你会怎么想但我在JVC指挥的这支乐队鼓手还欠火候

    Yeah . Hey , Andrew . Listen , I have no idea how you 're gonna take this , but the band I 'm leading for JVC , my drummer is not cutting it .

  24. 在这里来一杯招牌的布莱基咖啡(以爵士鼓手阿尔特·布莱基[ArtBlakey]的名字命名),它混合了浓缩咖啡、萨隆诺杏仁、咖啡蜜(Kahlúa)、樱桃利口酒、尊美醇威士忌(Jameson)、红糖和牛奶(29库纳)。

    Order a signature Blakey 's coffee ( honoring the drummer Art Blakey ) , which combines espresso , Amaretto di Saronno , Kahl ú a , cherry liqueur , Jameson , brown sugar and milk ( 29 kunas ) .

  25. 我们先后与好几位贝斯手和鼓手搭档过,最后定下来的是两位随和的中国专业乐手,他们还与Woodie合作为其他一些乐队演奏。

    We played with a couple of different bassists and drummers before settling on the young , easygoing Chinese pros who play with Woodie in another band as well .

  26. U2乐队于1976年在爱尔兰的都柏林成立,当时的成员波诺(主唱兼吉他手)、亚当·克莱顿(贝斯手)、“刀刃”(原名戴维·埃文斯,吉他手、主唱兼键盘手)和小拉里·穆伦(打击乐/鼓手)至今仍在一起。

    U2 was formed in 1976 , in Dublin , Ireland . The members were , and still are , Bono ( vocals and guitar ) , Adam Clayton ( bass ) , The Edge ( guitar , vocals and keyboards ) and Larry Mullen Jr. ( percussion / drums ) .

  27. 抱歉我们有位新鼓手瑞恩·康诺利

    Sorry , we have a new player . Ryan Connolly .

  28. 我们的鼓手,查里,是我们的隔壁邻居。

    Our drummer , Charlie , was our next-door neighbor .

  29. 他是迈尔斯戴维斯五人乐队的鼓手。

    He was a drummer in the Miles Davis quintet .

  30. 四年级时,乔。纽曼成了我们的鼓手。

    In my senior year Joe Newman became our drummer .