
  1. 本算法以单纯形搜索法为理论基础,将味源定位问题看作函数寻优问题。

    It treats odor source localization as a function optimization task .

  2. 该方法有机结合具有概率突跳特性的模拟退火和基于高维欧氏空间中凸多面体结构的单纯形搜索法,在最小化平均平方误差意义下动态寻找时滞和参数的最优估计值。

    Combining the simulated annealing with probabilistic jumping property and the Nelder Mead simplex method based on the convex polyhedron in higher dimension Euclid space , the approach dynamically searches the optimal time delay and parameters in the sense of minimizing the mean square error .