
  • 网络ellipsoid method;ELLIPSOID ALGORITHM
  1. 本文提出了一种结合椭球算法和仿射算术的新方法求解鲁棒性几何规划。

    A new method that combines the ellipsoid method and affine arithmetic is presented .

  2. 一种新的椭球算法

    A New Ellipsoid Method

  3. 集元辨识(Setmembership)法中的最优界椭球算法(Optimalboundedellipsoid,OBE)采用优化策略与有效数据评价准则,实现了冗余数据的过滤并具有较理想的时变参数跟踪潜力。

    The optimal bounded ellipsoid ( OBE ) algorithm , which belongs to set membership identification methods , can discern and refuse redundant data through optimization scheme and data validation principle , potential for time varying parameter tracking .

  4. 二次规划的内椭球算法该算法是M.C。

    INTERIOR ELLIPSOID METHOD FOR CONVEX QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C.

  5. 基于更动约束的思想[1]与方法,提出了求解线性规划问题的新椭球算法。

    Base on the mathematical idea and method to alter constraints of a problem , a new algorithm for linear programming to solve has been given .

  6. 对于集员参数估计问题,在总结现有最优定界椭球算法的基础上,提出了一种定界椭球自适应约束最小二乘算法。

    Further , a novel solution to the general set-membership identification called bounding ellipsoidal self-adaptive constrained least-square algorithm is presented based on summarizing the optimal bounding ellipsoid algorithms in existence .

  7. 在用本算法对纹理描述的基础上,本文采用了一种广义最小体积椭球聚类算法(GMVE)来对所抽取的纹理特征进行聚类分割。

    By using this method to describe texture , an non-supervised generalized minimum volume ellipsoid ( GMVE ) clustering algorithm is adopted to realize non-supervised textural images segmentation .

  8. 自反馈神经网络的椭球学习算法

    Ellipsoid learning algorithm of neural networks with self  ̄ feedback connections

  9. 其中多点距离测量和面积计算方式主要研究、对比并实现了线性模型算法和椭球模型算法。

    Among which , multi-point distance calculation , polygon area calculation involves the comparison and implementation of linear model and ellipsoid model algorithm .

  10. 采用自适应模糊椭球聚类算法实现逆向工程中的点云分区,利用凸组合在经典模糊聚类算法中加入平面聚类,凸组合系数利用启发技术根据平面大小自适应选择。

    Fuzzy c-planes clustering is added to the classic fuzzy c-means algorithm by convex combination . The combination coefficient is selected adaptively according to the size of planes by a heuristic technique .

  11. 提出了一种易于脉动阵列实现的平方根椭球状态定界算法。

    A square-root ellipsoidal state bounding algorithm for parallel computation using systolic arrays is proposed .

  12. 接着研究了非线性系统下状态定界估计,提出了扩展最优定界椭球状态估计算法。

    In nonlinear system state bounding estimation , an extended optimal bounding ellipsoid ( EOBE ) state estimation algorithm is presented .

  13. 提出了一种计算鲁棒的线性离散时间系统的椭球状态定界算法。

    A numerically robust algorithm for computing ellipsoidal bounds on the state of a linear , discrete-time dynamic system was proposed .

  14. 从提高计算的有效性和可实现性的角度出发,通过在不同的更新阶段采用优化定界椭球(OBE)算法,提出了一种新颖的解决状态估计的方法。

    A novel method based on optimal bounding ellipsoid ( OBE ) algorithmic procedure at each stage of updating is presented to improve computational efficiency and practicability .

  15. 首先,提出一种非线性系统椭球集员滤波算法。

    First , a set membership state estimation algorithm by ellipsoids for nonlinear systems is proposed .

  16. 针对带有未知但有界噪声的非线性系统,提出一种椭球集员滤波算法,并将其应用于保证故障检测与隔离。

    A set membership identification approach is provided to deal with the problem of fault detection of systems with models not precisely known .

  17. 平方根非最优椭球集员滤波算法能使椭球形状矩阵保持正定性,因而它也具有较好的数值稳定性。

    The square root non-optimal algorithm can keep the shape-defining matrixes of the ellipsoids positive definite , so it is also numerically stable .

  18. 一方面,对线性系统最优椭球集员滤波算法进行了改进,给出了两种数值稳定性比较好的次优算法。

    On one hand , the optimal set membership state estimation algorithm by ellipsoids for linear systems is improved , and two numerically stable suboptimal algorithms are proposed .

  19. 另外,研究了非线性系统下的状态定界估计问题,得到了最优扩展椭球集员估计算法,此算法同扩展卡尔曼滤波算法一样对系统状态方程进行了线性化处理。

    Besides , with analyzing the nonlinear system state bounding estimation , an extended optimal bounding ellipsoid state estimation algorithm is presented is gained , Just like the EKF , the algorithm linearizes the system state equations .

  20. 本文提出一种匹配拟合曲面和已知长短轴的标准椭球曲率的匹配算法来修正拟合曲面方程,以改善拟合精度。

    In this paper , a new method of curvature matching algorithm improving fitting precision of fitting rotational ellipsoid equation is proposed . Firstly , the algorithm needs to select some characteristic points indicating property of tested surface .

  21. 对某些采用椭球方法无法求取控制量的解的初始点,在改进算法中,采用了椭球与多面体任意交点求解的算法,代替了椭球方法中用椭球交集求解算法计算控制量。

    Computing any point of intersection of the polytope and the ellipsoid is used in the improved algorithm , instead of that of the intersection of two ellipsoids in ellipsoidal techniques , for calculating the solutions of some initial points where ellipsoidal techniques cannot ensure the existence of the solutions .