
  • 网络Single Game;SINGLE PLAYER;Single-player;SINGLE PLAY;Solo
  1. 所以,现在,你将不得不与局域网和单人游戏会议。

    So , for now , you will have to do with LAN and Single Player sessions .

  2. 我们已经揭示了大量人族新信息以及单人游戏模式的更多消息。

    We have revealed lots of new Terran information , as well as more information about our single player campaign .

  3. 但是这个不同寻常的游戏,除去很烂的移植,依然是一个PC上非常棒的单人游戏。

    Yet this is such an unusual , intriguing , and shocking game that despite the rough translation , it still makes for a one-of-a-kind experience on the PC.

  4. 在第二场大规模单人游戏遭遇中,Chris使用了一个高等级的法师和他的队友一起保卫一段城墙。

    In the second massive single-player encounter , Chris was leading a high level mage and his party in the defense of fortress walls .

  5. 我问了Chris开发团队在制作单人游戏上花了多久,而他告诉我目前他们正在不断试玩游戏,以确保整个游戏给人的感觉更加出色。

    I asked Chris how far off the team is with the single-player campaign , and he told me that at this point , they are pretty much just playing the game and making sure that the gameplay feels right .

  6. 纽鲍尔甚至出现在2011年发行的纪录片《秩序的狂喜:俄罗斯方块大师》(EcstasyofOrder:TheTetrisMasters)之中。在他看来,尽管俄罗斯方块是单人游戏,但它的社交属性也是一大吸引力。

    Neuberger , who even appeared in a 2011 documentary , " Ecstasy of Order : The Tetris Masters , " considers the social component of Tetris , although its played individually , a big draw .

  7. 《非洲》是一款单人游戏。

    Afrika is a single-player game .

  8. 然后按确定按钮,进入的下一个界面是选择单人游戏和多人连线。

    Then press Enter to enter the next screen to select the single-player or multi-player mode .

  9. 《奇异世界》主要为单人游戏设计,每次游戏大约需要二十分钟。

    Weird Worlds is intended to be played in a single sitting , usually taking twenty minutes .

  10. 当创建了一个单人游戏,按'回车'现在的关键自动创建一个地狱难度的游戏,如果可能的。

    When creating a single player game , pressing the'Enter'key now automatically creates a Hell difficulty game if possible .

  11. 他们也可以在多人和单人游戏战役模式中,当播放适当的派别。

    They will also be available in multiplayer and single player battle modes , when playing with the appropriate faction .

  12. 令我欣喜的是,在莱比锡游戏展上,展示内容中还包括了单人游戏中后期的部分。

    Much to my delight though , the Leipzig demonstration also included scenes from the later stages of the single player game .

  13. 魔法火球:与单人游戏一样,这团熊熊燃烧的火球能在华丽地爆炸之前跟踪目标。

    FireBall : Identical to single-player , this glowing ball of fire can be guided to a target before exploding in a deadly fashion .

  14. 谜题具有相当的挑战性也非常的合乎常理,而且,一旦你完成了单人游戏模式中,还有更棒的多人合作模式等著你挑战。

    Its puzzles are challenging without being unreasonable , and , once you 're finished with the single-player mode , one of the best co-operative experiences on the market awaits .

  15. 公司曾发布一款热门的单人游戏,但在5月份突然违约,未能向马里兰州支付110万美元的利息,当时该公司距离发布多玩家游戏至少还有一年以上的时间。

    The company later released a popular single-player game and was at least a year from releasing its multiplayer game when it unexpectedly defaulted on a $ 1.1 million interest payment to Rhode Island in May .

  16. 在单人游戏中,玩家们可以仅仅通过回合制轮流玩得方式来体验社交,开心大笑,相互鼓励,或者相互取笑等等。

    In singleplayer games , a group of friends may socialize simply by taking turns on the game and have a good time , laughing , cheering each other on , or making fun of each other 's mistakes .

  17. 我指的是他们很努力的使得游戏的过程本身成为如同单人游戏一样有趣和有深度的事情。

    I don 't mean a game for soloing ( which you CAN do , but that 's not my point . ) I mean that they are working very hard to make the gameplay experience itself as fun and deep as a single-player game .

  18. 他常常坐着玩单人纸牌游戏。

    He would often sit and play patience .

  19. n.耐心,耐性;忍耐;单人纸牌游戏极大的耐心对…忍无可忍对…忍无可忍圣人也忍受不了对…不能容忍;对…没有耐性这样的行为[话]即使圣人也要发脾气。

    eg. angelic patience ( = the patience of Job ) be out of patience with of all patience with enough to try the patience of a saint have no patience with It would try the patience of a saint .

  20. 数据来自CNZZ:根据CNZZ的数据来看,国内的网民们在网页网络游戏上花费的时间最多,而在单人社交游戏上花费的时间最少。

    Data from CNZZ : According to the data from CNZZ , domestic netizens now spend most time on web online games while the fewest on single social network game .

  21. 它是用于控制一台核能设备还是一种单人纸牌游戏呢?

    Is it used in controlling a nuclear power plant or a game of solitaire ?

  22. 工作休息时,在您的计算机上玩单人纸牌游戏代替抽烟。

    Instead of a cigarette break at work , play a game of solitaire on your computer .

  23. 我下了床,到楼下铺开扑克玩单人纸牌游戏。

    I got out of bed , went downstairs and laid out the cards for a game of solitaire .

  24. 如果碰巧遇到孤身一人且无所事事的情况,我就会兴致盎然地玩一局单人纸牌游戏。

    If I happen to be all alone and in an idle mood , I play a game of solitaire , of which I am very fond .

  25. 你不得不回到街道才能配置其他服务,你必须沿着走廊进入游戏室才能玩单人纸牌游戏。

    You must go back out onto the street to configure another service . You must go down the hallway and into the game room to play Solitaire .

  26. 如果你曾看过你在手机上玩单人纸牌游戏所花的时间的话,你就会知道正视事实的痛苦了。

    If you 've ever taken a gander at the running tally of the time you 've spent playing solitaire , you know the pain that comes from looking in the mirror .

  27. 在玩《史莱姆救美记》之前,我一直以为它是一款只能单人玩的游戏,但它却有着很不错的本地多玩家功能。

    Before trying Gish , I was expecting it to be a single-player-only game , but it has a rather good local multi-player feature .

  28. 突变折射率单模光纤育空单人纸牌戏是流行的和喜爱的单人纸牌戏游戏之一。

    Step-index single-mode fiber Yukon solitaire is one of the popular and favorite solitaire games .