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  • 网络Single country;Chan
  1. 当然了,这是一种夸张的说法,不单指法国式葬礼习惯。

    There is an element of exaggeration in this , of course , and not just about French burial habits ;

  2. 单乌克兰一国就出口了600万吨,俄罗斯出口了210万吨。

    Ukraine alone exported 6m tonnes and Russia 2.1m tonnes .

  3. 前面提到,解决全球问题并不能单靠一国力量,但有一些问题确实需要单个国家特别是大国发挥作用。

    However , there are some issues do need to single countries , especially the big powers to play a role .

  4. 显然,单靠联合国式的谈判进程是无法在不久的将来达成有效的全球协议的。

    It is clear that a UN-style negotiating process alone is unlikely to deliver an effective global agreement in the near future .

  5. 换言之,试图单靠一国之力,密切监督一体化的全球金融市场与机构,显得越来越荒谬;协调行动与监督不可避免。

    Trying to closely oversee integrated global financial markets and institutions on a purely national basis , in other words , looks increasingly ridiculous ; joined-up action and surveillance is inevitable .

  6. 无论是从全世界的范围内来看,还是单就我国一国而言,自然灾害所导致的经济损失的规模都正在不断地扩大。

    Whether it is within the scope of view from around the world , or of our country alone , the scale of the economic losses caused by natural disasters is being continuously expanded .

  7. 最后由于离岸金融的国际性,不可能单靠一国完成有效监管,讨论了与其他国家监管部门和国际监管机构合作的具体制度。

    Finally , since the international offshore finance , it is impossible to effectively monitor the completion of one country alone . It discusses with other national regulatory authorities and international regulatory agencies for specific systems .

  8. 研究目标宏大、投资强度高、多学科交叉的大科研项目,无论从规模上、技术上、还是资金上看,都不是单凭一国力量可以实施完成的。

    Research ambitious goals , investment-intensive , multi-interdisciplinary research projects of large multinational , whether from the scale , technical or financial point of view , is not one country alone can force the implementation of the completion .