
dān fēi
  • solo flight
单飞[dān fēi]
  1. 跟那支乐队合作三年后,他决定单飞。

    After three years with the band he decided to go solo .

  2. 她已获准单飞。

    She is licensed to fly solo .

  3. 成员单飞后的发展证明,每个乐队的成员只有组合在一起才能创造出更大的成功。

    As individual members ' solo careers have proved , each band was greater than the sum of its parts .

  4. 自从LionelRichie单飞之后我还没见她那么高兴过呢(LionelRichie80年代成名的黑人情歌王子)

    I hadn 't seen my mother that happy since Lionel Richie went solo .

  5. 单飞的流行艺人李升基(LeeSeung-gi)是本次活动的主持人,他比大部分同伴更进一步,在特种部队服役。

    Lee Seung-gi , a solo pop artist who served as master of ceremonies at the festival , went further than most of his peers and is serving in a special forces unit .

  6. 而使用E组或SE的单飞、发展E+D以上不同类型的高难动作直接,及运用SE的空翻为下法等,将是新奥运周期男子单杠技术发展的新动向。

    And using E-group or SE single fly , developing direct links of various E + D-plus exceedingly difficult movements , and dismounting with SE somersault , will be the new trend of men 's horizontal bar in the new Olympic period .

  7. 当然F4的成员们不必为此发愁。两年前他们在最后一次集体亮相后,便宣布单飞,目前在各自的领域也都做得风生水起。

    This will not worry the members of F4 , however , who are all flying solo and doing well in their respective careers , after last performing together two years ago .

  8. 然而,组合的大获成功却没能阻止成员们单飞,各自去追求自己的梦想。碧昂斯便与来自BoyzIIMen的马克·尼尔森合作,演绎了歌曲Afterallissaidanddone,这首歌也出现在了电影《伴郎》中。

    The group 's success did not prevent band members from pursuing their own , individual , projects and a duet between Beyonce and Marc Nelson of Boyz II Men called ' After All Is Said And Done ' featured on the soundtrack of the film The Best Man .

  9. 2014年10月,鹿晗退出EXO单飞,开始向演艺方向发展,先后主演了《重返20岁》和《我是证人》。

    In October 2014 , Han broke from the group and began a solo career , as well as a transition into film acting , starring in 20 Once Again and The Witness .

  10. 10分钟的表演不仅展示出三位成员单飞的成就,同时还宣布了一个更加激动人心的消息:S.H.E.回来了。

    The 10-minute performance not only showed off the achievements of the three members ' solo careers , it also announced something more exciting : S.H.E. is back .

  11. 那个飞行员第一次在飞机中作了单飞。

    The pilot made his first solo flight in the airplane .

  12. 新的记录就这么诞生了:5个小时的单飞!

    New recording : 5 hours solo flight in1 day !

  13. 2012年之后,所有成员开始了各自的单飞职业生涯。

    All the members went on to enjoy solo careers after 2012 .

  14. 在单飞之后,杰克逊名气越来越大。

    After striking out on his own , Mr. Jackson 's fame grew .

  15. 燕子单飞,不鸣远;

    Swallow fly alone , Not far crying ;

  16. 您爱“单飞”,您喜欢用符号表达自己?

    You prefer " flying solo " and you love to express yourself using symbols ?

  17. 我妈妈的牺牲奉献让我了解爱代表信任&还有放孩子单飞。

    My mom 's sacrificial act taught me that love trusts ─ and lets go .

  18. 马克已经单飞了吗?

    Has Mark flown solo yet ?

  19. 对119名结束理论学习阶段的飞行学员施测,学员起落航线单飞后,与心理测试结果进行统计对照分析。

    Flying scores and results ab-tained with the test device were compared in 119 flying cadets .

  20. 2002年,疲于商演的李健离开水木年华,选择单飞。

    But the pair went their separate ways in 2002 . Li was tired of doing commercial performances .

  21. 我之前写过一篇有关的帖子:为单飞做准备。

    I wrote a post about this a while ago : Build Your Profile to Get More Freelance Work .

  22. 多娜茜2001年首先离开组合,布伊娜2005年离开单飞,布坎南则在去年被逐出乐队。

    Donaghy was the first to go in2001 , with Buena next in2005 and finally Buchanan was ousted last year .

  23. 年龄在39到43岁之间的乐队5名成员预计将各自单飞。

    Its five members , who are aged between 39 and 43 , are now expected to pursue solo careers .

  24. 她是粉红淑女的成员之一,现在则是单飞艺人。今年50岁的她没有动过任何整形手术。

    She 's one half of the Pink Lady group and now a Solo artist at 50 years old-an all-natural 50 .

  25. 如今经过两年对单飞职业化道路的探索和磨砺后取得了可喜可贺的成绩。

    Now after two years have flown solo professional the road of exploration and the challenge brought good results to be congratulated .

  26. 罗尼·邓恩在20世纪80年代便已发行过三张单曲唱片,但都没能成功促成他的单飞生涯。

    Ronnie Dunn recorded three singles in the early1980s , but none got enough success to get his solo career off the ground .

  27. 高级体育官员蔡振华当时曾表示:从目前来看,金花们单飞之后的表现并不理想。

    The players flying independent have not had an ideal performance , Cai Zhenhua , a senior sports official said at the time .

  28. 罗尼的粉丝们以及乡村音乐电台都力挺他的单飞,他们将罗尼的首支单曲推上了“血红排行榜”的前十位。

    Ronnie 's fans and Country radio showed their support for his new solo career by making its first single " Bleed Red " a top10 hit .

  29. 所以我建议在单飞前先给别人打工,这是个积累作品而无需像自由职业或自己开公司一样费心打理事务的好机会。

    It 's a great opportunity to build up your portfolio without dealing with any of the boring stuff that goes with freelancing or running your own business .

  30. 现在她们三十多岁了,单飞后取得了不同程度的成功,但她们总有一天会复合的传言这些年一直都没有停止过。

    All now in their30s , the singers embarked on solo careers with varying degrees of success , and rumors that they may one day reform have circulated for years .