
  • 网络phantom ship;The Ghost Ship
  1. 就像幽灵船一样你一接近他就消失了

    Like the ghost ship , he disappears whenever you get close .

  2. 载着三个南瓜海盗的幽灵船在万圣节的时候突然抛了锚。

    A ghost ship dropped anchor one dark Halloween bearing three pumpkin pirates .

  3. 里根时代的白宫像幽灵船一样神秘莫测;

    The [ Reagan ] White House was as mysterious as a ghost ship ;

  4. 概括说就是一个亡灵法师,一艘幽灵船,对抗一个世界。

    Summary , is a dead Master , a ghost ship , against a world .

  5. 只要确保灯光长明,以指引幽灵船回岸。

    Just make sure to keep the light on so the ghost ship can make it to shore .

  6. 上周人们发现两艘没有船员的幽灵船满载数百移民正驶往意大利海岸。不过这还只是冰山一角。专家们估计自二战结束以来,世界最大一波大规模移民潮已然形成。

    The two ghost ships discovered sailing towards the Italian coast last week with hundreds of migrants – but no crew – on board are just the latest symptom of what experts consider to be the world 's largest wave of mass-migration since the end of the second world war .

  7. 除了匹塔克庄园,波特兰的著名闹鬼之地还有巴格达剧院,一座建于兴盛的20年代游荡着许多魂灵的电影院,以及威拉米特河【注1】,这条河近几年被许多人见到有幽灵船驶过。

    In addition to the Pittock house , other Portland haunted places include the Bagdad theater , a movie theater built during the roaring 20s that supposedly houses a number of spirits , and the Willamette river , where in recent years a phantom rowboat has been spotted by several people .