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yōu fèn
  • hidden resentment;dumb anger
幽愤 [yōu fèn]
  • [hidden resentment;dumb anger] 隐藏在内心里的怨愤

幽愤[yōu fèn]
  1. 司马迁记录程婴救孤故事有其深刻的心理基础,是其现实人生体验与历史人物遭际发生共鸣的结果,其中蕴涵着司马迁深刻的幽愤和人生思考。

    Meanwhile , the article points out that the notes of Sima Qian has a profoundly psychological basis , which is the result of the resonance of his real personal experience and the historical figures ' misfortune the story implicates Sima Qian 's deep angry and thoughts about life .