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  • Emperor leave the memorial of the official in his palace without writting directive
留中 [liú zhōng]
  • (1) [Emperor leave the memorial of the official in his palace without writting directive] 皇帝把臣下的奏章留在宫禁中,不交议也不批答

  • 留中者数月。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  • (2) 又

  • 仍留中。

  1. 如果我留在这儿,我的留中有去;如果我去那儿,我的去中有留。

    If I stay here , there is a going in my staying ; and if I go there is a staying in my going .

  2. 但是即使是这样,也不能阻止小花豹,在母豹离去几天的独留中,而不独逛森林,照样带回捕获的猎物。

    But none of this kept Legadema from exploring the forest on her own when her mother left her alone for days at a time to bring back meat .

  3. 沿空留巷中充填体的强度控制

    Filled body 's stress of gob - side entry retaining control

  4. CPAM/膨润土助留体系中改性膨润土的研究

    Study of Modified Bentonite in CPAM / Bentonite Microparticle Retention System

  5. 然而,神并没有让基督长留墓中。

    But God did not leave Christ in the tomb .

  6. 锚索锚杆支护在煤层沿空留巷中的应用

    Applications of Bolting with Wire Mesh in Roadway along Goof

  7. 新集二矿下夹片地层特征及在防水煤柱留设中的意义

    Features of Lower Horse Strata and Its Significances For Retain Waterproof Pillar in No.2 Coal Mine of Xinji

  8. 松软煤层巷道U型钢-锚网支护技术锚索锚杆支护在煤层沿空留巷中的应用

    U-steel Bolting With Wire Mesh Technology in Weak Seam Applications of Bolting with Wire Mesh in Roadway along Goof

  9. 一些能存活足够长的最后成为晚餐,极少有留作家中当宠物的。

    Some that survive only last long enough to become dinner , and a rare few remain in the household as pets .

  10. 1866-1868年间,法国一探险队进入中国和印度支那进行气象观测,并留有中译本《考验气候日记表》。

    Since 1866-1868 , a France team of explorers went into China and Indochina for meteorological observation , and had inspected diary .

  11. 这一年龄结果表明早志留世中天山结晶基底已开始从塔里木板块北缘分离出去形成离散地体。

    The result indicates that the central Tianshan Mountains were separated from the Tarim plate and formed a discrete terrain in Early Silurian .

  12. 这便是本文需要进行研究的主要内容,本文针对沿空留巷中矸石充填体的大流变性和低支护强度等问题,提出了带-网-栓式矸石袋巷旁支护技术方案。

    The type of strip-net-bolts gangue bags roadside filling support program is proposed against to the problems of large rheology and low support intensity .

  13. 研究了不同平均粒径的研磨碳酸钙、沉淀碳酸钙、滑石粉、高岭土和二氧化钛在不同助留体系中的留着特性。

    The relationship between particle size of filler and its wet-end retention rate was studied by measuring the amount of retained fillers with or without the retention aids .

  14. 6月23日公投前的议案表示,如果在公投中,如果参与投票的合格选民比例低于75%,且支持脱欧或留欧中任一方的投票率低于60%时,政府应该举行第二次对欧盟成员权的公投。

    The proposal , posted before the June 23 referendum , said the government should hold another plebiscite on EU membership if the support for Leave or Remain in a referendum was less than 60 percent in a turnout of under 75 percent of eligible voters .

  15. 超临界CO2从留兰香油中萃取香芹酮

    Extraction of Carvone from Spearmint Essential Oil By Supercritical CO_2

  16. DES是在金属支架表面覆有一层或两层稳定聚合物涂层,以完成带药和释药的目的,聚合物和支架一样永久留存在血管中。

    DES is prepared with a layer or two layers of durable polymer coating on the metal stent surface in order to complete the purpose of medicine and drug delivery .

  17. 不溶性氧化物相留存在残渣中。

    The insoluble lead oxide is remained in the residue .

  18. 这样会减少血液留到鼻腔中。

    That will reduce blood flow to that nasal cavity .

  19. 他身上还留着事故中留下的伤疤。

    He still bears the scars from his accident .

  20. 你来看他就始终留他的生活中

    And you get to see him . You 're still in his life .

  21. 六西格玛在降低除雾器留样成本中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Six Sigma in Reducing the Cost of Defogger Retain Samples

  22. 留尿过程中必须有一名同性别的监督人陪同。

    A : A superintendent of the same sex will accompany you when taking the urine sample .

  23. 数罪并罚,他们的罪行最高可判35年监禁,并处125万美元罚金。看起来他们的千手绝技只能留到监狱中来发挥了。

    They face up to35 years in prison as well as a fine of $ 1.25 million .

  24. 非理性借鉴:晚清留日运动中的速成热

    Irrational Studying : The " Quick And Good " Hot of Studying in Japan During The Late Qing dynasty

  25. 这对选留育种工作中的品种整理与品种特性记载均是有用的。

    It could be helpful to take notes of the features of the cultivars in selecting and breeding work .

  26. 卫星图像的分析表明,因湖泊而留存在火星中纬度上的环形山与在阿拉斯加州和西伯利亚发现的非常相似。

    Analysis of satellite images has revealed craters left along Mars'equator by lakes similar to those found in Alaska and Siberia .

  27. 底比斯人借助同盟力量摆脱了斯巴达的控制,并在留克特拉战役中击垮斯巴达军队。

    Thebes got rid of Spartan control with the help of the League , and defeated Spartans in the Battle of Leuctra .

  28. 为动词,意指回忆起过去的事情,或把记忆留存在脑海中。

    Remember is a verb , meaning able to bring back information into your mind , or keep information in your memory .

  29. 伸展断裂系统发育于寒武纪、奥陶纪、早志留世、中-晚侏罗世和古近纪。

    The extensional fault systems are believed to be developed through the Cambrian , Ordovician , Early Silurian , Middle-Late Jurassic , and Paleogene .

  30. 绿肥留种田和中稻田是关键的人工斑块,可以分别在春、夏季作为蜘蛛的避难所和蛛源田。

    Green manure for seeds field in spring and middle rice field in summer were key artificial patches as resource and refuge area for spiders .