
  • 网络Left-behind students
  1. 第二部分:揭示我校留守学生的现实状况。

    Part II : To explore the reality of the left-behind students in a school in Jiangsu .

  2. 留守学生与非留守学生在自我接纳、同伴关系上存在显著差异。

    The left-behind students and ordinary students in the self-acceptance , peer relationships , there are significant differences .

  3. 农村初级中学留守学生课外体育活动与心理健康的相关性分析

    Relationship between extracurricular physical exercises and mental health of hometown-remaining students in rural junior middle schools

  4. 对河南省农村留守学生问题的调查及思考

    A study and Thinking on children staying behind in Henan rural areas during the absence of their parents

  5. 但仅仅依靠学校的力量,不能从根本上解决留守学生问题,它更需要的是社会、学校、家庭三者之间的相互协作。

    However , relying solely on the power of the schools , the problems of the rural students left can not be solved fundamentally .

  6. 学校,作为留守学生的一个主要活动场所,有责任也有义务对他们进行有效地教育和管理。

    Schools , as one of the main activities of the rural students left , have the responsibility and obligation to educate and manage them effectively .

  7. 他们将孩子委托给年迈的双亲或寄养于他人照看,于是在农村出现了一个特殊的群落&乡村留守学生。

    They left their children entrusted to their elderly parents , or foster care of others , so these children become a special group & left-behind students .

  8. 这一部分主要针对农村留守学生教育管理中遇到的问题,立足于学校,从学校的硬件、内部的机制、资金的投入提出相应的对策建议。

    Against the problems of educating and managing the rural students left , this part gave the advice from the hardware , internal mechanisms and funding of the school .

  9. 文章分为三个部分:第一部分:农村留守学生的主要问题及加强对其教育管理的意义。

    The paper is divided into three parts : Part I : The main problem of the rural students left and the significance to strengthen its education and management .

  10. 双留守学生在学习成绩、学习状态与社会适应度低于单留守学生,单留守学生低于非留守学生。

    The double left-behind students was lower than single left-behind students in learning performance , learning results and social fitness , and single left-behind students was lower than the non left-behind students .

  11. 在这种形势下.我们的学校、我们的班主任、我们的教师将担当多种重要角色,对留守学生和单亲学生进行管理和教育。

    In this situation , our school , our class teacher , our teachers will play an important role in a variety of single-parent students and students staying in the management and education .

  12. 留守学生性格上缺乏自信、信任、安全感和乐观情绪,人际交往较为被动,主动求助意愿不强,与教师关系不紧密。

    Left-behind students ' character appeared on a lack of confidence , trust , security and optimism , relatively passive interpersonal communication , non-strong will to ask for help , non-close relationship with teachers .

  13. 健康教育是学校工作的一个重要组成部分,也是解决留守学生等的健康问题的关键。

    Health education is a key component of school education and a key solution to health problems of students with unusual backgrounds , such as the students whose parents are dead or migrant to make a living .

  14. 这一部分主要是对农村留守学生的心理进行分析,归纳出他们出现的心理问题的特点,为解决农村留守学生教育问题的方法的提出奠定基础。

    In this part , we analyzed the psychology of the rural students left and summed up the characteristics of their psychological problems to lay the foundation of solving the problems of the rural students left education .

  15. 怎样保护和教育好初中班级中客观存在的留守学生,解决好留守学生的教育问题,让他们健康快乐的成长,已成为刻不容缓的社会问题。

    How to protect and educate the objective existence of left-behind students in classes in junior high school , and how to solve the education problems of them to let them grow up healthy and happy have become a pressing social problem .

  16. 由于缺乏正常的家庭教育和良好的社会氛围,留守学生的身心发展、学习成绩、思想道德尤其是心理健康等方面存在着较大的问题。

    Due to lack of a normal family education and good social atmosphere , so there exists a big problem in physical and mental development of students , achievement , ideological and moral aspects of mental health , if we look down upon them .

  17. 由于我国改革开放的稳步推进,社会经济得到快速发展,我国越来越多农村剩余劳动力流入城市,越来越多的农民工背井离乡外出务工,所以留守学生的数量越来越多。

    As the reform and opening up steadily in our country , the social economics develop rapidly . There are a growing number of rural surplus labors into the cities , more and more migrant workers continuously leave their hometown to work in the big cities .

  18. 班级是学校的重要组成部分,随着社会的进步,学生的个性表现更突出,独生子女的增多,留守学生的大量涌现使现在的班级管理变得越来越复杂。

    Class is essentially an important part in school . With the development of the society , class management is currently becoming more and more complicated due to the eminence of students ' personalities and the increase in the number of only children and unattended students .

  19. 温州留守中小学生家庭环境特征的影响因素分析

    An analyses on the left-behind students ' family environmental characteristics of the primary and middle school in Wenzhou

  20. 本论文选择江苏省镇江市丹徒高级中学的留守高中生为研究范本,能在一定程度上体现该省高中留守学生问题行为的表现、成因,从而提出具有针对性的解决策略。

    This thesis chooses Zhenjiang Dan Tu senior middle schools , Jiangsu province , as the research sample , which to a certain extent reflects the students ' behavior problems and causes in this province , and then puts forward with pertinence solutions .