
liú xīn
  • attention;look;be careful;heed;look out;take care;mark;on the ball;keep careful account of;keep one's eyes open;take note of something
留心 [liú xīn]
  • [keep careful account of;be careful;keep one's eyes open;look out;take care] 小心;注意

  • 留心别写错了

留心[liú xīn]
  1. 留心你的健康。

    Be careful of your health .

  2. 留心那条狗,有时候咬人。

    Be careful of the dog ; it sometimes bites people .

  3. 公众应当留心这种疾病的症状。

    The public should be on the lookout for symptoms of the disease .

  4. 他的母亲特别留心他。

    His mother kept a watchful eye on him .

  5. 你能留心听着门铃吗?

    Can you listen out for the doorbell ?

  6. 留心看有无抑郁症状。

    Look out for symptoms of depression .

  7. 罗德尼字字留心。

    Rodney had been intent on every word .

  8. 留心一下天气状况。

    Take note of the weather conditions

  9. 不过15个月,它就成了告诫人们留心跨国并购中陷阱的警世故事。

    Barely fifteen months later , it has become a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of international mergers and acquisitions

  10. 留心火烛。

    Beware of the fire .

  11. 留心,汽车来了!

    Mind the car !

  12. 横穿马路时要留心看交通指挥灯。

    Cross with care at the traffic lights .

  13. 留心看着行李。

    Keep your eyes on your luggage .

  14. 女演员的嗓音很低很柔和,使得观众停止低声交谈而留心倾听。

    The actress'voice , very low and very soft , made the audience give up whispering and listen .

  15. 如果你留心,就会发现Cristina完全同意Mark的观点,因为她非常使劲儿地咬她嘴里的培根

    If you notice , she TOTALLY sides with Mark as she chomps on her bacon .

  16. 当事情进展顺利时要留心;

    Pay attention when things go well ;

  17. 当不顺利的时候要更加留心,并观察人们的反应。

    pay extra attention when they don 't , and watch how people react to it .

  18. 留心身边爱的讯号,因为你知道生命是有尽头的。

    Pay attention to the signs of love around you , because you know that life has an end .

  19. 如果您正从供应商处购买产品,我们鼓励您要留心您的供应商,以确保他们承诺支持IBM产品新的版本。

    If you are purchasing a product from a vendor , we encourage you to ensure through due diligence that your vendor is committed to supporting new versions of IBM products .

  20. InfoQ:如果一个团队要开始使用Node.js,他们需要留心哪些陷阱?

    InfoQ : If a team wants to start working with Node . js , what are the main pitfalls that they should look out for ?

  21. 本公司近来发现有不法份子模仿ASA交易平台,利用ASA公司名义进行行骗。请各位客户留心,小心受骗。

    A counterfeit ASA trading platform was found recently , the name of ASA has been embezzled for illegal issue . , please be cautioned for it .

  22. 不熟悉Erlang语法或者不留心听讲的话,上面的算法读起来有点难懂。

    This algorithm can be a little hard to read for anyone who is unfamiliar with Erlang syntax and / or not paying attention .

  23. 而且,如果你留心的话,你可能已经发现在这集里Arizona只在看到惊喜派对那会儿哭了。

    And , if you were paying attention , you may have noticed that the surprise party moment is the ONLY moment in the entire episode where Arizona cries .

  24. 对于汇丰银行(HSBC)而言,他就是两年前该行在北京郊区密云县开设村镇银行时所留心的那类客户。

    For HSBC , he was just the kind of client that the bank had in mind when it opened a branch two years ago in Miyun , a county one hour from Beijing .

  25. 当组织开始采纳本体论之后,就应该开始留心McCreary列出的十大陷阱了

    Once adoption of ontologies has begun in an organization , McCreary 's list of ten pitfalls should be heeded

  26. 无论如何,问题的关键在于:下一次哪位美国政界人士谈论中东(或在Twitter上发有关中东的消息)时,留心观察他用的是阿拉伯之春、还是有争议性的革命一词。

    Either way , the key point is this : the next time an American politician talks or tweets about the Middle East , watch if that s word - spring - crops up or if the controversial r word appears instead .

  27. 韩德森表示,threadneedle还将留心那些加快地理扩张的机会,这一般是通过收购业务而非企业。

    Threadneedle will also be on the look-out for opportunities to accelerate its geographic expansion , says Mr Henderson , typically by buying capabilities rather than companies .

  28. 通常生活中最简单的事情是最神奇的:从恋爱到看见孩子迈出TA的第一步。如果你留心,让心澎湃的时刻是不容易错过的。

    It is often the simplest things in life that are the most magical : from falling in love to watching a child take their first step , moments that make the heart skip a beat are hard to miss if you are paying attention .

  29. 词组短语becognizantof认识到…;知道…耶鲁公开课-死亡课程节选很多时候当你阅读柏拉图的对话录,不管是这篇还是其他篇,柏拉图似乎很清楚至少有一个留心的读者,会对早期的一些观点,提出反驳意见。

    Many times when you read the dialogue , this or other dialogues by Plato , it seems as though he 's fully cognizant of the objections that at least an attentive reader will raise about earlier stages of the argument .

  30. 抽出宝贵时间及如此留心。

    For extending me the courtesy of your time and attention .