
  • 网络maximum clique problem;max clique
  1. 论文设计了一个求解最大团问题的递阶法DNA粘贴、剪接算法。

    In this paper , in order to solve the maximum clique problem , a recursive DNA sticker-splicing algorithm is designed .

  2. 在第五章中把求解Ramsey数问题转化为求解最大团问题和最大独立集问题,然后利用DNA模型进行解决。

    In chapter five the problem of solving the Ramsey number is transformated to DNA computing models to solve maximum clique and maximum independent set problems .

  3. 应用DNA计算解决最大团问题

    Using DNA Computing to Solve Max Clique Problem

  4. 由于最大团问题是一个NP难问题,一种合适的解决它的办法是设计各种各样的启发式算法。

    As the MCP is NP-hard , an appropriate approach to treating this problem is to design various heuristic algorithms .

  5. 对最大团问题的HEWN算法分析

    The Time Complexity of the HEWN Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem is Analyzed

  6. 最大团问题的熵正则化方法研究

    Studies on the Entropic Regularization Method for the Maximum Clique Problem

  7. 解决最大团问题的蚁群优化算法的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Maximum Clique Problem

  8. 采用思维进化计算求解最大团问题

    Solving Maximum Clique Problem by Mind Evolutionary Computation

  9. 关于最大团问题的一种新算法

    A New Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem

  10. 最大团问题有相当多的等价的数学描述,并且针对不同的模型具体的研究方法也有一定的差别。

    The maximum clique problem has some equal descriptions , and the research methods differ on different models .

  11. 这个问题是寻找无权图的最大团问题的推广。

    This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph .

  12. 本文主要工作如下:1、回顾了最大团问题和神经网络的基本概念、研究背景及研究现状。

    Review the basic concepts , background and the state of the art of the maximum clique problems as well as the neural networks .

  13. 正是基于此,我们给出了最大团问题的信息论方法&熵函数方法和叉熵函数方法,以及D函数正则化方法。

    In chapter 3 , the entropy regularization method and cross-entropic regularization are introduced , and in chapter 4 the D-function regularization method is introduced .

  14. 提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。

    A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper , the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting .

  15. 为解决加权最大团问题,提出了一种近似算法,该算法在优先调度最大权值顶点的前提下,尽可能的编码更多的数据包。

    To solve the weighted maximum clique problem , we propose an approximation algorithm , where the algorithm encodes as many packets as possible on the premise of scheduling the vertex with maximum weighted debt .

  16. 本文给出了基于质粒技术的无向图的最大权团问题的DNA算法,依据HeadT等的实验手段,本文提出的算法是有效并且可行的。

    This paper introduces the DNA solution to the Maximum Weight Clique Problem of an undirected graph based on the plasmoid . On the basis of Head T et al , the algorithm is an effective and feasible method .

  17. 针对这一问题,该文将中药最优配方筛选问题转化为求一顶点赋权图的最大权团问题,利用求图的最大权团的算法实现中药最优配方筛选。

    In order to improve this condition , this paper presents converting mining optimal ingredient pattern of TCM into solving Maximum Weight Clique Problem of a vertex-weighted graph .

  18. 给定顶点赋权的无向图,图的最大权团问题是寻找每个顶点都相邻的顶点子集(团)具有最大权。

    Given an undirected graph with weights on the vertices , the maximum weight clique problem is to find a subset of mutually adjacent vertices ( i.e. , a clique ) having the largest total weight .