
  • 网络Combinatorial Explosion;combinatory explosion
  1. 车间调度(ShopScheduling)问题具有约束性、非线性、多极小性、大规模性、多目标性等特点,一般属于NP-完全问题,目标解的搜索涉及解空间的组合爆炸。

    Shop scheduling problems have many features , such as constraint , non-linear , large-scale , multi-objective , and usually NP-complete . Solving these problems often encounters combinatorial explosion .

  2. 实验结果表明,D-S证据理论决策树分类算法能有效地对不确定数据进行分类,有较好的分类准确度,并能有效避免组合爆炸。

    This D-S decision tree is a new classification method applied to uncertain data and shows good performance and can efficiently avoid combinatorial explosion .

  3. 应用专家系统进行电机智能CAD,存在着知识获取瓶颈和推理过程中的匹配冲突、组合爆炸、无穷递归等问题。

    Using expert system for electrical machine intelligent CAD there are knowledge obtaining bottleneck and other problems such as matching conflict , combination explosion , infinite recursion etc in the process of reasoning .

  4. 通过编程仿真实验,在求解会出现“组合爆炸”的TSP问题时远优于标准遗传算法。

    Through computer simulation , it is proved that this algorithm is better than GA when dealing with the problems in which " computation explosion " .

  5. 但在利用Petri网对大系统建模和分析时会遇到组合爆炸问题,从而限制了它的应用范围。

    But when Petri-net is used in the modeling and analysis of large scale power system , the problem of combination explosion may be encountered , therefore its application range of Petri-net is restricted .

  6. 为此,本文利用蚁群算法对于NP完全问题具有的抵御组合爆炸的能力进行求解该类问题。

    Ant Colony Optimization ( ACO ), which is introduced in this paper because of the ability of resisting combination explosion to NP-hard problem , now is used to solve the problem of DNO .

  7. 在应用Petri网对大规模复杂系统建模和仿真时,Petri网模型可能出现组合爆炸的现象,从而占用大量的计算资源。

    Petri net is a widely used mathematical tool for complex systems modeling and simulation . The combinational explosion of Petri nets may occur and excessive computation resources are required to run the simulation especially for large-scale complex systems .

  8. 但FTA中的组合爆炸困难(计算量随故障树规模指数增长)、可视化软件开发、应用领域拓宽等问题都还有待更进一步的研究。

    But problems of combinatorial explosion that computational complexity increases with the size of fault tree by exponential growth , visual software developed and application domains widened are awaiting to be further researched .

  9. 其次,分析了Petri网(PN)在网络入侵检测系统中的应用,通过分析两种已有的基于Petri网的IDS模型,指出这种方法所面临的状态组合爆炸难题。

    Second , a difficult problem that the IDS based on Petri net suffered from the states explosion like some other state-based methods is concluded after inspected the application of Petri net in IDS and analyzed the two ways of its implementation .

  10. 然而,随机Petri网的状态空间的组合爆炸作为主要问题正阻碍着大型随机Petri网精确解的求取,进而限制了该类Petri网作为建模和性能评估工具的广泛使用。

    However , the combinatorial explosion of the state space of SPNs is a major problem that inhibits the exact solution of large SPNs . And therefore a broad use of the kind of Petri nets as a modeling and performance evaluation tool is limited .

  11. 详细描述了方法的基本思想和算法的组织,并以Meso车床的概念设计过程为例进行了演示。该方法对解决组合爆炸问题有实际应用价值。

    Basic thought and organization of algorithm of this method have been described in detail in this paper , and a demonstration was carried out by taking the course of conceptual design of Meso lathe as an example .

  12. 针对联合信任推理中组合爆炸的问题,探讨了基于VBS理论的证据网络推理方法,构建了BJT结构推理图。

    In connection with the problem of combination explosion in the joint belief reasoning , explored the evidential networks reasoning method based on VBS theory , built a BJT structure diagram .

  13. 现有算法大多从apriori,fp-growth算法演化而来,这些方法都存在有组合爆炸问题:apriori算法是候选模式造成的,而fp-growth算法是条件模式基造成的。

    The existing algorithm evolves mostly from apriori and the fp-tree algorithms . These methods all involves combinatorial explosion : the apriori algorithm comes from the candidate pattern , but the fp-tree algorithm evolves from the condition pattern base .

  14. 但是由于资源约束和工艺约束的并存,迄今计算复杂性理论表明,多数调度问题属于NP-hard(NondeterministicPolynomial&Hard,非确定性多项式)难问题,目标解的搜索涉及解空间的组合爆炸。

    But because the resource and procedure restriction , to now the theory of calculate complexity show most schedule problem is belong to nondeterministic polynomial hard problem , and the research of the results involve space ' combination explode .

  15. 但动力舱的布局优化问题属于NP-hard问题,即涉及数学上的组合爆炸问题,又涉及工程复杂性问题,求解困难,要达到工程实用要求更难。

    But the problem of layout design of engine compartment belongs to NP-hard or NP-Complete problem . The main difficulty for solving this problem is that it is related to not only the combinatorial explosion in mathematics , but also the engineering complexity .

  16. 车辆路径优化问题(VRP)本质上属于NP-hard难题,即随着问题难度增大,求解过程(所需时间与空间)呈现非线性的组合爆炸式增长。

    Vehicles routing problems ( VRP ) are by nature NP-hard problem , that is the problem with more difficult in the process of solving ( the necessary time and space ) and turn out to be a non-linear " explosive combination " growth .

  17. 由于所建立的数学模型为混合整数线性规划(MILP)问题,求解过程中容易产生组合爆炸问题而不易求解。

    Due to the mathematical model is a mixed-integer linear programming ( MILP ) problem solving process of these problems are prone to appear combinatorial explosion problem , that are not easily to be solved for existing method .

  18. 为解决相似度计算中的组合爆炸问题,引入了模拟退火遗传算法。

    Genetic-simulated annealing algorithm is applied to solve the combination optimism problem .

  19. 组合爆炸数有效数值计算的高效算法

    High efficient algorithm for exact computation in combinatorial exploded number

  20. 这些方法存在着组合爆炸危险或收敛时间不确定等缺点。

    These algorithms have some defects such as combination exploding danger and convergence time uncertainty .

  21. 你如何能够测试所有的问题?你没有遇到组合爆炸吗?

    How can you possibly test everything ? Don 't you get a combinatoric explosion ?

  22. 阐述了采用遗传算法求解具有组合爆炸特征的精馏分离序列综合问题。

    Genetic algorithm is applied to solve distillation separation sequence synthesis problems which are characteristics of combination explosion .

  23. 用穷举法和隐枚举法解0-1型整数规划问题时,常常遇到组合爆炸问题。

    The combination explosion problem is common in solving 0-1 integer programming with enumeration and implicit enumeration ways .

  24. 对变量状态变化的多个可能分支,以约定的概率分布进行选择,以此避免模拟结果的组合爆炸。

    The multi-offsets of factors'change are chosen according to prescript probability distribution , so combination explosion could not happen .

  25. 用形态学矩阵或键合图法来进行方案设计时,通常存在组合爆炸现象。

    There is " combinational explosion " phenomena , when morphological matrix method is used to solve project design .

  26. 符号模型检验是形式化方法的一个重要方面,可以处理大规模的数据结构和控制序列,缓和了组合爆炸问题。

    Symbolic module checking which deals with large-scale data structure and the sequenceof control treats with the combination exploring .

  27. 采用该模型有效地解决图论模型中边与顶点产生“组合爆炸”问题。

    The problem of " exponential explosion " of edges and nodes in the hybrid model can be settled .

  28. 针对多重失效状态数量的组合爆炸问题,提出组合劣化分析方法;

    A worse-combination filtering analysis skill was proposed to handle the quantity explosion problem in the multiple failure condition identification .

  29. 该方法有效地避免了规划中组合爆炸问题的出现,在兼顾多种约束条件的同时,提高了规划过程的质量和效率。

    This method avoids the combination explosion problem and improves the quality and efficiency of the sequence planning with multiple restrictions .

  30. 随着程序或电路规模的增大,状态数目将呈指数增加而引起组合爆炸。

    Exponentially increasing of the state number of a system causes the combination exploring with the scale of program or circuit increasing .