
  • 网络organizational paradigm;organization paradigm
  1. 交往理性与学校组织范式的反思及建构

    Communicative Rationality and the Reflection Construction of School Organization Paradigm

  2. 基于知识管理的敏捷制造企业组织范式创新研究

    Research on Enterprise Organization paradigm Innovation of Agile Manufacturing Based on Knowledge Management

  3. 信息时代的组织范式:内部市场

    A New Paradigm of Organization for Information Times : Internal Market

  4. 基于能力的企业组织范式研究

    Research on Organizational Paradigm Based on Enterprise Capability

  5. 论生态图书馆系统的自组织范式

    Self-Organizing Paradigm of Ecological Library System

  6. 本文描述了这种组织范式的理论基础及其应用原则,并对其在西方国家的应用及对我国的意义作了探讨。

    Applications of the free enterprise paradigm in western countries and in China are discussed in this paper .

  7. 产业集群作为一种有效的产业组织范式,越来越多地成为政府的政策工具。

    Industrial cluster , as an effective industrial organization paradigm , is increasingly becoming the policy-tool of governments .

  8. 最后,文章还在模式创新方法和新组织范式方面进行了尝试性研究,意图在这个新的研究领域引发理论和实践的更多关注,进一步丰富和完善对企业商业模式的研究。

    Finally , the article carried on the tentative research in the model innovation method and the new organization Paradigm .

  9. 而且,现代性学校组织范式中,功利主义的组织理念、科层化的组织结构和片面的科学量化管理已使学校发展走入困境。

    Besides , in modern school paradigm , utilitarianism bureaucratic organization and one-sided quantification management have made school in trouble .

  10. 根据组织范式理论,在分析宏观金融环境变化对于银行影响的基础上,指出银行应该采取有效的措施。

    Based on the theory of organizational pattern conversion , this paper analyze the influence of the impact of the change of financial enviroment on bank .

  11. 新的产业组织范式,表现为全球价值链体系的垂直裂解,基于分布式开放网络的资源敏捷组合,以及跨越行业与组织边界的生产要素协同。

    The new formula is characterized by vertical cracking of global value chain and synergy in production factors of stepping across the traditional organizational boundaries on the basis of agile recourse combination in open networks .

  12. 本文在全面总结相关理论的基础上,通过对现代企业复杂性的研究,提出了一种新的组织范式&基于能力的模块化企业群。

    After summarizing the relevant theoretical research , we put forward a new organizational paradigm in this dissertation , the modular enterprise clusters ( MECs ) based on capability through the research on the enterprise complexity .

  13. 本世纪以来,经济发展加快向全球化、网络化、知识化、需求个性化方向演进,这推动了产业组织范式的根本性变革。

    Since the beginning of this century , the economic development , which has been speeding up its involvement towards being globalized , networked , intellectualized and personalized on demands , has promoted the ultimate transformation in paradigm of industrial organization .

  14. 分析了模块化企业群组织范式的构造过程,即在对企业的复杂性审计和能力审计的基础上,制定模块化战略,然后建设模块化企业群的基本环境和结构范式。

    Meanwhile , three symbiosis models of MECs are set up and discussed . MECs ' organizational paradigm can be built up after auditing the enterprises ' complexities and capabilities , constituting the modular strategy , constructing MECs ' basic environment and structure paradigm .

  15. 图像形式研究是基于层次分化序列的结构系统分析活动,而分层的逻辑根据是作品内部不同认识水平上的单位锐度分解和结构组织范式。

    Form study of image is an analytical activity of structural system based upon the sequence of gradation differentiation , with the logic basis of gradation of colors being the unit acutance decomposition and structural organization format at various understanding levels in the work .

  16. 本文在分析了知识型企业特殊的组织范式和管理模式的基础上,提出了知识型企业中领导的主要任务,即前景规划、激励员工个体,并为其提供成长空间和与员工广泛结盟。

    This paper puts forward the major responsibilities of leaders of knowledge-pattern enterprises on the analysis of specific organization model and management model , i.e. planning for the future stimulating individual employees and providing growth space for them as well as allying with employees broadly .

  17. 因此利用产业组织SCP范式理论,能够找出影响中国电信产业发展的因素及其之间的相互关系,从而制定出正确的电信产业政策。

    So the pattern of " structure-conduct-performance " of the industry organization theory can find the factors of the development of Chinese telecommunications industry and the relationship between them . Therefore , we can make out the correct policy of telecommunications industry .

  18. 自组织进化范式强调任何系统都有它的内在目的性。

    The paradigm of self-organization evolution emphasizes that any system has its intrinsic purpose .

  19. 国有企业组织学习范式的突破,使其对于社会责任的实现能力也在逐渐增强。

    The breakthrough of organizational learning paradigm in state-owned enterprise can gradually promote the achievement ability of social responsibility .

  20. 产业组织合作范式的确立,对于现阶段中国产业组织调整具有重要启示意义。

    The confirmation of cooperation framework in industrial organization has revelation significance to the adjustments of industrial organization in nowadays China .

  21. 更重要的是,组织理论范式的论战,显示了组织发展的新话语、思维,加快了组织理论新范式的传播。

    More importantly , the debate on organizational theory paradigm shows that the New Organizational Discourse and thought have sped up the communications of new organizational paradigms .

  22. 产业集群和供应链管理作为有效的区域经济发展载体和组织管理范式,正成为诸多地方经济实体和企业生存发展的关键。

    Industrial cluster and supply chain management , act as effective regional economic development platform and organizational management paradigm , are becoming key points where many regional economies can survive and develop .

  23. 不同的组织变革范式,其研究方法、研究对象、指导思想等大相径庭,但是在组织变革研究过程中,如何使该领域走向规范化和系统化的问题很少有人涉及。

    Different paradigms of organizational change forms different research methods , research objects and guiding ideologies , but in the study course of the organizational change , how to make the move toward standardization in the field , very few people involved in the systematic problem .

  24. 借鉴西方产业组织SCP分析范式,以国际竞争力为导向,在比较日本、韩国及我国台湾地区赶超型产业政策、市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效的基础上,分析产业政策的传导机理。

    Based on the SCP paradigm and according to international competence , this paper compares the " catching-up " policies , market structure , market conduct and market performance of Japan , Korea and Taiwan , and analyzes the transition of industry policies .

  25. 产业组织的网络范式及实证分析

    Network Paradigm of Industrial Organization with Reference to a Case

  26. 教育组织现象学范式的哲学基础

    The Philosophical Base of the Educational Organization Phenomenological Paradigm

  27. 组织创新分析范式探讨

    Discussion on Analysis Paradigms of Organizational Innovation

  28. 第三章论述了我国公共行政组织的结构范式,并对该范式存在的问题及问题产生的原因作了详尽的阐述。

    Discourse the public organization structure paradigms and makes a close description to the problems and the reasons for it .

  29. 本文认为,组织理论新范式的出现,开始了关于组织的话语、组织的建构与批判,以及组织范式自身变革的对话。

    The author thinks that the emergence of new paradigm of organization theories has tricked the dialogue about organizational discourse , organizational construction and criticism , and self transformation of organizations .

  30. 在最近30年,学术界提出了三种主要的大学组织变革分析范式,即同构性理论、分化理论和同质异形理论。

    In the past thirty years , there are three main analytical paradigms on university changes in the academia : the isomorphism theory , the divergence theory and the allomorphism theory .