
  • 网络single phase structure
  1. 单相组织金属间化合物的超塑性行为

    Superplastic Behavior of Single-Phase Intermetallic Compound

  2. 以此为基础,对凝固过程特别是Ti5C4形成机制进行了分析和探讨单相组织金属间化合物的超塑性行为

    Moreover , the formation mechanism of the intermetallic phase is discussed . Superplastic Behavior of Single - Phase Intermetallic Compound

  3. 结果表明:样品为单相,组织均匀,为层片状结构,且具有明显的c轴择优取向。

    The results showed that ceramics were single phase , layered grown obviously , organization was homogeneous , c-axis preferred orientation obviously .

  4. 当固溶温度分别为1100℃和1150℃时,合金几乎为单相F组织,晶粒粗大(1~2级),从而使合金的塑性和韧性稍有降低。

    When the temperature is at 1100 ℃, or 1150 ℃, the microstructure of the alloy is almost all ferritic phase ( bcc ), with coarse grain ( level 1-2 ), so to made the plasticity and ductility decline slightly .

  5. 研究结果表明,该钢经1150℃固溶处理可得到单相奥氏体组织,在20~80%H2SO4,温度为80℃的硫酸介质中具有优良的耐蚀性和良好的综合机械性能与铸造性能。

    The results show that it has a single-phase austenite microstructure after solution treatment at 1150 ℃, so to provide a good corrosion resistance in 20 % ~ 80 % H_2SO_4 at 80 ℃ and has a good synthetic mechanical properties and casting behaviors .

  6. 合金经1200℃水冷固溶处理后,可得到单相奥氏体组织。

    After water - cooling and solid solution at 1200 ℃, single-phase austenite structure can be obtained .

  7. 结果表明,该钢种经1150℃固溶处理可得到单相奥氏体组织,并具有优良的均匀腐蚀、晶间腐蚀、点蚀和电化学腐蚀性能。

    Experimental results show that some single phase of austenites in the steel can be gained by solid solution treatment at 1150 ℃, and the steel possesses good properties of even corrosion , intergranular corrosion , pitting corrosion and electrochemical corrosion .

  8. 试验结果表明,该钢经1050℃保温2h固溶处理后,可得到单相的奥氏体组织,具有良好的抗点蚀性能。

    The experimental results show that a singlephase austenitic structure and a excellent pitting corrosion resistance are obtained after solution heat treatment at 1050 ℃ for 2h .

  9. 本文通过钛合金的组织模拟验证了JMA模型的精确性,并以此为基础,开发了单相固态转变组织模拟的程序,能够快捷、方便的进行单相组织转变的研究。

    The accuracy of JMA modeling is proven through the microstructure modeling of titanium alloy and then the program of single solid-state phase transformation microstructure modeling is developed .

  10. 结果表明:在人工体液中,Cu-Zn-Al形状记忆合金的耐缝隙腐蚀性能优于未进行热处理的Cu-Zn-Al合金,其作用机理是单相马氏体组织改善了合金的电化学行为,抑制了活性溶解。

    The results show that the shape memory alloy Cu Zn Al exhibits better property than the annealed alloy Cu Zn Al . The reason is that the martensite single phase in the alloy Cu Zn Al improves electrochemical property and inhibits active solution .

  11. 试验发现,该合金镀层属于bcc型α-Fe单相多晶组织,镀液中NaH2PO2·H2O浓度的改变以及镀液温度的改变对镀层的织构均有显著的影响。

    It is found that the alloy coatings are single-phase and polycrystal structure of α - Fe which belong to bcc type , and that its texture is affected by the variation of concentration of NaH2PO2 · H2O in the bath and the variation of bath temperature .

  12. VC的相间析出消除了碳元素在奥氏体中的富集,因而是获得准单相铁素体组织的重要条件。

    The inter-phase precipitation of VC can eliminate the enrichment of carbon in austenite , which is the prerequisite for the formation of single phase ferrite .

  13. 结果表明,变形后在650、700、750℃等温100s时可获得单相铁素体组织,从而基本消除珠光体组织。

    The experimental results show that the single-phase ferrite matrix microstructure could be obtained by isothermal holding at 650 ℃, 700 ℃ and 750 ℃ after austenite region deformation while the pearlite could be eliminated .

  14. 单相合金快速凝固组织形成原理及应用

    Application and Principle of Microstructure Formation in Rapid Solidification Single-phase Alloy

  15. 实验结果表明:(1)常化板为等轴状单相铁素体组织,晶粒大小不均匀。

    Results of this paper show that : ( 1 ) Normalized sample composes by single-phase ferrite grains with different size .