
  • 网络hip prosthesis;Total hip replacement;artificial hip
  1. 聚乙烯微粒细胞因子与人工髋关节松动的相关性研究

    Relativity study during polyethelene debris cytokine and hip prosthesis loosening

  2. 31例人工髋关节翻修术临床分析与体会

    Clinical analysis and experiences of hip prosthesis revision

  3. 定做式人工髋关节的CAM实践分析

    The Analysis of CAM Implementation of Custom Artificial Hip Joint

  4. Al2O3质人工髋关节的强度及其抗裂纹缓慢扩展特性

    The strength and resistance to slow crack propagation of artificial hip joints of alumina ceramics

  5. AML假体在人工髋关节股骨侧翻修中的应用

    Application of total hip revision in femur side with AML prosthesis

  6. 人工髋关节UHMWPE磨粒形态研究

    Study on UHMWPE Wear Debris Morphology in Artificial Hip Joints

  7. 低分子肝素预防人工髋关节置换术后DVT的疗效及对血液流变学的影响

    The Effect of Low Molecule Heparin on Prevention of Deep veous thrombosis and Hemorheology after Artificial Hip Joint Replacement

  8. Orem自理模式在人工髋关节置换术患者护理中的运用

    Clinical Application of Orem Self-care Model in the Nursing Care of Artificial Hip Joint Replacement

  9. 改善超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)臼杯的耐磨性能是提高人工髋关节使用寿命的关键。

    Great interest has been attracted on the improvement the wear resistance of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene ( UHMWPE ) as acetabular cup of artificial hip joints .

  10. ANFH治疗归纳起来包括:保守治疗、姑息性手术治疗、人工髋关节置换术和介入治疗。

    The treatments of ANFH includes : conservative treatment , palliative surgery , hip replacement surgery , and interventional treatment .

  11. 研究方法研究通过对我科1999年1月-2004年1月间对髋臼骨缺损行人工髋关节置换术的58例患者进行随访,通过Harris评分和髋关节X片两方面进行疗效评价。

    Methods 58 THR patients for acetabular deficiency who had received THR in our division during 1999.1-2004.1 were follow-up though the use of Harris hip score and radiographs of hip joint .

  12. 首先,在Mimics软件中利用股骨CT图像数据重建股骨三维模型,并通过布尔运算获取股骨髓腔模型用于个性化人工髋关节柄的设计。

    Firstly , reconstruct a three-dimensional model by using the femur CT image data in Mimics software , and get the femoral medullary cavity model through the boolean operation to design the individualized artificial hip joint handle .

  13. 目的:分析髋臼及股骨上端畸形致人工髋关节置换(THR)术后脱位的原因,探讨防治对策。

    Objective : To analyse the causes of postoperative dislocation after total hip replacement ( THR ) owing to acetabular or proximal femoral deformities and to find the preventive measures .

  14. 方法:6例人工髋关节置换术后慢性感染患者,术前Harris评分平均34分(28~39分),血沉平均51mm/h(35~72mm/h)。

    Methods : Six cases infected by hip replacement . The preoperative mean Harris score was 34 ( range 28 to 39 ), mean erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ) was 51 mm / h ( 35 to 72 mm / h ) .

  15. 选取12只山羊,体质量38~48kg,雌雄各半,随机分成3组行人工髋关节置换术。

    Twelve goats ( body mass 38 48 kg ) were randomly divided into 3 groups to do the total hip replacement with this new prothesis .

  16. 人工髋关节置换术后翻修术的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of revision total hip replacement for failed hip arthroplasty

  17. 人工髋关节的磨损行为及磨粒形态研究

    Study about Wear Behavior of Prostheses and Characterization of Wear Particles

  18. 人工髋关节置换术并发股骨骨折临床分析

    The reason and management of intraoperative femur fracture during hip arthroplasty

  19. 带滚动体的新型人工髋关节的设计

    The design of a new artificial hip joint with rolling elements

  20. 改良髋直接外侧入路在人工髋关节置换术中的应用

    A modified bauer approach to the hip in the joint prosthesis

  21. 人工髋关节置换后假体无菌性松动的因素及其防治

    Factors and prevention methods for aseptic loosening following artificial hip replacement

  22. 人工髋关节关节面的磨损和生物陶瓷材料

    Bioceramics and the Joint Surface Wear of the Artificial Hip Joint

  23. 人工髋关节置换后股骨柄应力的有限元分析

    Stress finite element and analysis of stem after total hip replacement

  24. 定制型人工髋关节置换治疗股骨近端瘤性病变

    Treatment of tumorous disease in proximal femur by customized hip arthroplasty

  25. 人工髋关节置换术预防性抗生素应用时机的临床研究

    Clinical study of occasio for antibiotic prophylaxis in hip arthroplasty surgery

  26. 人工髋关节用复合多孔钛股骨头制备方法的研究

    A study on Preparation of man-made hipbone by using composite porous titanium

  27. 松动人工髋关节界膜的研究

    Study of the Interface Membrane of Loosening Prostheses of Hip

  28. 松动人工髋关节界膜显微和超显微结构的研究

    Studying the Interface Membranes Microstructure and Ultra-microstructure in Loosening Prostheses of Hip

  29. 人工髋关节置换术后常见并发症的X线表现

    X-ray imaging of the common complications of total hip replacement

  30. 基于X光片的定制型人工髋关节股骨侧假体设计

    Custom Design of Hip Joint Prostheses Based on X-ray Films