
  1. 论人民调解员的职业化

    On the Professionalization of the People 's Mediators

  2. 人民调解员进法院的社会学思考&对法院附设调解机构的分析与展望

    A Sociological Perspective to Participation of People 's Mediators in Juridical Affairs & An Analysis and Prospect on Mediation Establishments Affiliated to the Courts

  3. 各级司法行政机关对于成绩显著、贡献突出的人民调解委员会和人民调解员,应当定期或者适时给予表彰和奖励。

    Various judicatory executive authority to sockdolager of successful , contribution civilian intercessory Committee and people adjuster , ought to fixed timely perhaps give commend and reward .

  4. 县级以上地方人民政府对人民调解工作所需经费应当给予必要的支持和保障,对有突出贡献的人民调解委员会和人民调解员应给予表彰奖励。

    The law stipulates that governments at the county level and above provide financial support for mediation work and honor and reward outstanding mediation committees and mediators .