
  • 网络People on the edge;The Challenge of Life;Lady GaGa
  1. 人在边缘

    People on the edge

  2. 人在疾病边缘方知健康的宝贵。

    By the side of sickness health becomes sweet .

  3. 他说:很多人生活在边缘。

    Large numbers of people live very close to the edge , he said .

  4. 过去的经验显示,在经济危机中,贫穷人和在贫穷边缘的人受打击最严重。

    Past experience has shown us that people living in poverty , and at the edge of poverty , are hardest hit .

  5. 这个网络有个中心部分、有个边缘地带,而不快乐的人好像都集中在边缘地带。

    There 's a middle and an edge to this network , and the unhappy people seem to be located at the edges .

  6. 原本计划是让隧道延伸至附近的一片森林中,但头一个爬出去的人却正好在树林边缘外现身。

    It had been planned that the tunnel would reach into a nearby forest , but the first man out emerged just short of the tree line .

  7. 难怪现在很多人都在卡债边缘挣扎无从解脱,因为他们总是如此这般地在祈求。

    It is not a surprise that today a lot of people are at the brim with credit card debt with no prospect of getting out of it , because they ask for it every time .

  8. 爱尔兰人上半场在禁区边缘打出了2脚世界波,他说球队每天刻苦的训练在比赛中得到了回报。

    The Irishman struck two scorchers from the edge of the area in the first half and revealed afterwards that the team 's hard work in training in the build-up to the game had certainly paid off .

  9. 数年前,很多人认为纹身是那些古怪的以及充满反叛情绪的人所为,这些人生活在社会的边缘,象辍学的学生和歹徒等。

    Years ago , many thought tattoos were for the deviant and rebellious people living on the edges of society , like dropouts and gangsters .